The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Wild Surge Inn => Topic started by: silverblades on August 23, 2008, 06:57:05 pm

Title: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on August 23, 2008, 06:57:05 pm
*a pale skinned man in a blood stained dark coat blends in easily amongst the seedier parts of town. His clothing and demeanor obviously speaks of a mage but his stalky muscular build tells you fighter. with a discerning eye and a sense of the Al'Noth he  scans the bars and streets late at night and early hours for weavers of dark magic. He tries to discern the presence of such magic while looking amongst the crowd of hawkers of wares, pickpockets and petty thieves, he confronts those who he believes may be practioners of such magic,  casually showing his necklace to them (it is made of woven hair and bone shards). in hopes that it would reveal his intrests in dark magic.

 he even drops a few coins to the barman for information, a name or a description, perhaps a strange occurance that happened involving strange magic or anything involving undead or death. He asks in subtle ways so as not to give his intrests away to local authorities or those offended by such things.

// for rp I would like to open a thread for this. If you think you would be interested in replying to this please do.

 if you think that your character would see him please reply.
If your a GM who would like to RP a barman or anything else please do.

Please keep it IC as always so we can continue this discussion on this thread.

My playtime doesn't allow me to do this IG and some players hours are so different than mine and the players who do this are so few.
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on August 24, 2008, 03:43:20 pm
*seeing little results and fewer people that fit what he is looking for he watches the docks for possible people boarding ships in Vehl or coming or going in the  wee hours of the morning. Some dark hooded types or those
protected by magics. He uses what he knows of the Al'Noth and senses for strong protections and coverings*.
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: darkstorme on August 24, 2008, 05:42:40 pm
// To clarify, where is he dropping these hints?  The Surge, the Harpy, the Scamp..?
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on August 24, 2008, 08:21:17 pm
// ahh sorry ..around Vehl, scamps mug  and those docks.//
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: darkstorme on August 24, 2008, 11:28:50 pm
// Alright, I'll monitor the RP here, if you want, though IRC would be better.  If he's going to drop hints at the Harpy (since that's the Vehl bar), let's see it played out.  I'll start you out with a scene...

// Note: Other characters (players) are free to make an appearance, but please wait until things have started. :)


Weezer stood behind the bar, polishing a glass with a scrap of a rag.  It was a fairly quiet night at the Harpy, all things considered.  There'd only been one fistfight, and no blades had been drawn.  Most of the drunks had lapsed into unconsciousness or staggered out the door under their own power, and he'd even seen a few of those adventurers paying (in gold, no less!) for a chance to flop down in one of the rooms.  All in all, he thought, satisfied, a good night.

The door creaked open, and Weezer waited a full beat before turning to look - no matter how dangerous the Docks could get at night, it didn't pay to have customers thinking they'd startled you...

Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: Script Wrecked on August 25, 2008, 01:51:13 am
// *cough* It is possible that certain dark elements are watching him for the moment... *dun-dun-dar, sinister-plot-music* ;) //
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on August 25, 2008, 10:02:49 pm
A dark figure comes into view, large and broad shoulders  standing straight and tall. Obviously not a drunk looking for more ale but perhaps a late night patron looking for a place to spend the night. He  stops at the entrance taking in the surroundings of the almost empty bar.
 Walking slowly  up to the bar where he sees the barman, he slowly pulls back his hood. His pale skin and black hair you notice last but what gets your attention first is a slight foul smell as he approaches. He smiles at the barman revealing a row of ragged yellow stained teeth. His long coat and cape look to have shown years of abuse. a broad scimitar hangs at his side.

-in somewhat hushed tone he addresses the barman-

Greetings Sir. I was hoping you were not closed but interested in some gold for your time and trouble.

 -He quickly pulls a bag of coin from his coat pocket bouncing it in his hand slightly making them jingle together-

some simple questions, if you would be so kind sir. and I shall reward you.

you've seen me here before looking and waiting, I've seen you watching me. All I desire is a bit of of knowledge on your part, and I shall be out of here.
perhaps a rumor you have heard amongst the drunken rabble of someone or some group performing things that aught not to be done.
 or someone with a flare for the strange magic.
perhaps someone that makes your skin crawl even among the types that come here, or  rumors of someone summoning something that was .. shall I say .. frowned upon by others Hmm?

Surely someone with your keen eye and quick wit would spot such a person or know of anything like this.

-He raises his head slightly and waits for a response-
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: darkstorme on August 29, 2008, 01:59:22 am
// Sorry for the delay - has been a hectic few days

The barman regards the apparition with the look of vague contempt he reserves for potential customers.

If'n you've got coin, I'll answer whatever questions you're willin' to pay for.

He listens to the list of sought-after occurrences with a deepening frown.

Flattery's all well and good, but it don't put bread on the table - or words in an ear, if you know what I'm sayin'.

His hand opens, palm up, on the bar.
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on August 31, 2008, 04:07:54 pm
*X puts the bag of coin in the mans hand, but doesn't let go of it*
 Know that if you feed me false information I will find out, and can make things... difficult..for you here.
if your words are true I can make thing very comfortable  for you as well.

*he lets go of the bag containing 300 true and waits*.
Title: Re: Let dark magic reign. the search begins.
Post by: silverblades on November 01, 2008, 11:08:41 pm