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Author Topic: Karana say thanks  (Read 157 times)


Karana say thanks
« on: April 25, 2006, 02:33:58 pm »
Was strange day. Karana, Quilus, Ketibjorn, Vellucia and Dulan goes to Storans Crypt. Duland casts many cleric spells to makes immune to everything. We kills all bodaks and things. Something go wrong somewheres and we don't finds proper key, so cants go down stairs in crypt. Karana remember sleepings in passge to stairway. Thens as we no haves key we leaves.

We gets outsides and Dulan realise he haves business elsewheres and leaves.

Then strange thing happens. The world turns and things go hazy. Karana maybe sees flash of gold dragons again but not sures.

Next thing Karana knows is back in crypts, in passageway. Is there with Ketibjorn and Quilus. Is no Dulan or Vellucia. Has no more protections from bodaks and mummies. Quilus makes us invisible and wes heads to door. We no has keys to door. Was Dulan who have key. So we is stucks in Crypt with nasty bodaks and things. Karana pray long and hard to Toran for help, but none arrives.

Then by luck Keti finds gap a small dwarf can gets out of and slips out.

Quilus and Karana heads back to passage way. Have only magic light on Karana maul to see by. Karana run out of waterand Quilus share his last with Karana. Quilus show Karana magic tricks and we tells stories. Karana and Quilus is sat huddled in corner of passageway completely invisible as undead walks all around. Eventually we hears noise. peoples arrive to save us!

Keti seems to have bought all of Hlint to saves Karana and Quilus. Geldar, noble Paladin of Toran was there and hand Karana canteens. Is good to have even hot water whens dry for so long. Was Toran's answer to Karana's prayers.

Rizzen Fallingstar was also in saving party and helped Karana outside and we returns to Hlint.

Karana wants to say big thanks to all who comes save her and Quilus from death or maybe undeath. Karana go get drunk know. All is invited.

Karana of Elksoul tribe