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Author Topic: Looking for adventure?  (Read 311 times)


Looking for adventure?
« on: March 26, 2006, 01:54:50 am »

To all that read this,
                      Looking to train and hone in your skills? Maybe practice our skills in the Hlint krypts, Seilwood caves, caves of the goblins, forest of the restless dead, battle ogres?
If so, I'm starting a group to hunt and train our skills, give advice to one and another. This is for the low skilled adventuers only. Just sign your name below, when sufficient numbers of people are included, details shall go on this paper.




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    RE: Looking for adventure?
    « Reply #1 on: March 27, 2006, 03:49:36 pm »
    Carrick Oakshield- willing to join a fellow follower of Toran


    Re: Looking for adventure?
    « Reply #2 on: March 27, 2006, 03:56:26 pm »
    Enyaill - Cleric of Shindaleria


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    Re: Looking for adventure?
    « Reply #3 on: March 28, 2006, 01:05:05 pm »
    Elaugdor Cladd'neld, warrior and mage. I specialize in bringing criminals to light in the name of The All-Seeing, the Lord Protector, Rofirein.


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      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #4 on: March 28, 2006, 03:11:59 pm »
      *gareth looks at the notice and at all the other names listed and feels rather unimportant* Gareth junior.


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 03:29:29 pm »
      *Tarran smiles as he reads the note*

      Ah, a motely crew of adventurers gathering to march off either to glory or to their own doom. What wonders could possibly await such an odd band? And most importantly, why was I not told about this sooner?

      *he smiles and and his signature in elegant writing*
      Tarran Tal'flor


      RE: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #6 on: March 29, 2006, 06:18:28 am »
      *Text is entered underneath the signed names*
      I think this is sufficient, anyone can add their name whenever they wish.
      You may contact me in town, I am a follower of Toran, with brown longish hair and a goatee. My combat gear is usually a longsword or a morning star with an iron shield. I have armor dyed blue and gold.
      My social/comfortable clothes are just robe like, yellow and grey coloured.
      Look out for me, I shall send letters out when I am in Hlint.
      Then we shall begin...


      RE: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 08:41:13 am »
      //Include days in the week you are online and also times, I'll arrange something on the calander, cheers.


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      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #8 on: March 29, 2006, 08:55:18 am »
      GMT late afternoons for me, pretty much all days


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #9 on: March 29, 2006, 10:29:47 am »
      *Kaeso walks by and reads the note.  He then walks over the the bartender and asks him how long that note has been posted.  The bartender tells him just a few days so Kaeso orders a drink and finds an empty table to sit at.  Once seated he pulls out some parchment and a quill and writes the following reply.*

      Sure.  I'll join your little group.  My skills lay in the tactical side of battle.  I'm also quite skilled in the use of the Short Sword and Longbow, and I'm currently training myself in the use of the Greatsword and War Hammer.  I can normally be found here around Hlint or Pranzis.  Either leave a note here or seek me out.

      -Kaeso Regillus, of his own mind.

      *Kaeso finishes off his drink and leaves a few coins laying on the table as a tip before standing up and penning the note under all the other.*

      // My times are simple.  Monday - Wednesdays I'm home by 2pm PST, Thrusdays by 12pm PST, Firdays - Sundays I have off.


      RE: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #10 on: March 29, 2006, 11:38:26 am »
      Zug like smash things.  Yous see Zug, asks Zug join yous in smashings.  Zug say yup unluss alreddy bizzy.


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #11 on: March 30, 2006, 07:29:02 am »
      * A young elf in blue robes comes by and notices the note. *

      People helping and supporting each other... Wonderful!

      * Smiling, she slowly walks away. *


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #12 on: March 30, 2006, 07:33:10 am »
      //Go onto the calanders to sign up now, Starts on April 2nd, Sunday. Player Led event. It's called "The New Hunt Group"


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #13 on: March 30, 2006, 08:59:35 am »
      // The times are all over the place... the calendar event says:  4PM GMT.  12AM PMT. and it adjusts it to my timezone (USA/Eastern) as 8:00 - PM    These don't seem to match each other.


      Re: Looking for adventure?
      « Reply #14 on: March 30, 2006, 10:03:34 am »
      // Not going to be able to make it.  That's 8am for me.  Way too earily for me to be up on a Sunday. :)


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        Re: Looking for adventure?
        « Reply #15 on: March 30, 2006, 03:57:40 pm »
        // If it is 8pm eastern I will most likely be able to make it, double checked time conversion, I believe this would actually be 9pm EST since the east coast USA is in standard time currently  //


        Re: Looking for adventure?
        « Reply #16 on: March 31, 2006, 04:21:41 am »
        Ok...just to help out on the time thing here
          GMT is GMT and never changes...
          BST is GMT +1 (British Summer Time)
          The States go Daylight Savings in the early hours of Sunday I belive so for this adventure...
          EDT is GMT -4 (Eastern Daylight Time)
          PDT is GMT -7 (Pacific Daylight Time)
          And if you use this and it's wrong...It's your own fault for not checking yourself  :p


        Re: Looking for adventure?
        « Reply #17 on: March 31, 2006, 05:45:57 am »
        The conversion isn't the problem, it's that the times after applying the conversions are still contradictory.  It can't be 4PM (1600) GMT and still be 8PM (2000) EST or EDT -- US/Eastern should be 4-5 hours behind GMT, not ahead of it.

        Witch Hunter

        Re: Looking for adventure?
        « Reply #18 on: March 31, 2006, 05:50:55 am »
        *sigh* T'rissazkan passes by and signs the name of "Grote" per his request.


        Re: Looking for adventure?
        « Reply #19 on: March 31, 2006, 08:35:52 am »
        If this is too confusing...Then I'll suppose I won't do that quests. But instead I'll get the list of names and RP with you in game. Like send a bird or something...