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Author Topic: Call from the Raven Guild  (Read 51 times)


Call from the Raven Guild
« on: June 22, 2006, 04:55:31 pm »
Would the following people be so kind to try and get hold of one of Ravens members please,your orders are ready .

Cullyn Alistair
Reggub Hillhop
Cymeran Vrinn
Jeremy Steele
Gemme Moregems

Take up contact with one of us in any way you can please,we will not hold orders for unknown time in stock.
If reaction stayes out , the order will be considered canceled in a short while .

Raven trading Company

//We also need the room guys :-) please react even if you bought the things somewere else ,so we can sort it out.
  for those that have been waiting for a while ,sorry ..but not even we have everything in stock =D
  React here or in game in any way ...thanks


Re: Call from the Raven Guild
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2006, 09:13:56 pm »
// already picked up my ring some time ago. Order was completed via the ravens :) If you have another ring . . . I'd be interested in purchasing it :)