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Author Topic: A lone violin plays on the Lorindar docks  (Read 80 times)


A lone violin plays on the Lorindar docks
« on: June 24, 2006, 02:10:16 pm »
A melody is heard from the docks...

Remembering the fallen, the lost and the missing.
The notes touch on loves, companions and friends.
All that once stood, all that once fought.
Now gone.

The melody lightens a little and a point of hope shines in a theme,
The point blazes and turns to passion for life.

The notes remind you of why you are here.
The Dragoncalled, the proud, the few.
This is your hour.  Our hour.

It erupts into a blaze of fire and lust for glory,
The strength of dwarves, the agility of the elves,
The quickness of halflings, the strength of giants,
The short intense life of men.

As the crescendo ends single notes are played,
The theme of hope.

Future unknown... but hope still alive.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat


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    RE: A lone violin plays on the Lorindar docks
    « Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 11:53:02 pm »
    (tears trickle down a paladin's cheeks ... he refuses to wipe them away)

    What a marvelous ode to our heroes ...
    This is what being a bard is truly all about ...
    Tell the tale, and tell it true, over and over again ...
    For our friends, their loved ones, their children ...
    So that we all may know their devotion ...
    To the cause that we must now accept ...
    Raise the flag from the embers ...
    Hope marches on in our eyes, our hearts, our souls!!

    "The world is my country; mankind is my brethren; to do good is my religion." T. Paine

