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Author Topic: Oxen slaughtered  (Read 76 times)


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    Oxen slaughtered
    « on: January 30, 2006, 04:02:00 am »
    *An angry Rolf walks up to the crafthall and hammers up a notice*

    If yer oxen is missing ye can thank the fool who let a Will o Wisp into Hlint.


    //Said Will o Wisp was hiding behind the shop in Hlint and it had killed at least one ox when it charged Rolf.


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      RE: Oxen slaughtered
      « Reply #1 on: January 31, 2006, 08:14:18 pm »
      *A red headed dwarf limps into the inn and sees the posted notice*

      Goldie! *he cries with a look of abject horror on his face*

      *He turns and staggeringly runs from the inn*

