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Author Topic: Sen storms out of the kitchen at the Wild Surge  (Read 192 times)


Sen storms out of the kitchen at the Wild Surge
« on: January 31, 2006, 05:09:22 pm »
pushes the lurking Erag out of the way and looks about the tavern

"Who in the blazes left their ox in the KITCHEN? Hello! Kitchen? Food? Roasts? Bread? Pies...the kind with berries and sugar on top, not the stinky kind he left on the floor?"

He looks around the room searching for a guilty-looking party...and shudders as Doria launches into her usual patter about the chef's special fare...


Re: Sen storms out of the kitchen at the Wild Surge
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 08:09:24 pm »
Pyyran quietly waits for Sen to storm out of the Surge, then quickly darts in and moves his ox out to the side of the Surge.


Re: Sen storms out of the kitchen at the Wild Surge
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 11:37:21 pm »
*Zandor is siting at a table in the corner and watches Sen storm around then storm out of the Surge then he see Pyyran get up and rush to his ox and takes it outside then takes another drink of his ale while looking at his card deck and grins about what just happened*

 boy i wonder what Sen would have done if he would have seen Pyyran go and get his ox out of the kitchen now that would have been a good end te the day *pictures Sen yelling his head off at Pyyran about were an ox is ment to be*

*grins as he heads off te play some card*

"a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
"courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"

