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Author Topic: A notice titled "Tin Shortage"  (Read 59 times)


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    A notice titled "Tin Shortage"
    « on: July 25, 2005, 01:54:00 pm »
    *a notice titled "Tin Shortage" is posted on the board in the Wild Surge*

    My work as a miner in the areas aroun' Hlint allows me to keep an eye on how much in demand particular metals are based on how heavily worked the veins of ore are. Recently I've noticed heavy minin' in the Sielwood caves, the only source o' tin in the region that I'm aware of. There's apparently a growin' demand for armor an' weapons forged from bronze, an' with the Sielwood caves as the only source o' tin for makin' bronze, the heavy minin' is causin' a shortage.

    There are a couple ways to try an' address the problem. First, I ask that miners goin' there for copper try an' limit their number o' visits per day so that what little tin there is can be shared aroun' to prevent someone from cornerin' the market. Second, I ask that explorers keep an eye out for new tin deposits elsewhere. We need a new source o' tin in order to supply adventurers in the region with better weapons, an' if we work together at it, maybe we can come up with somethin'.

    Thank ye,
    - Gretchen, o' the Stonebrow clan

    // This is also a request to have a new source of tin be made available somewhere near Hlint, perhaps controlled by being slightly harder than the existing source. Otherwise, the current source will probably be camped/hoarded soon due to a lot of crafters coming into the need for bronze