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Author Topic: Militia now recruiting!!  (Read 370 times)


Militia now recruiting!!
« on: August 17, 2006, 07:04:09 am »
[SIZE=32] Militia recruiting![/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]A Militia to be in the service of a local merchant and scholar is now recruiting members.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=24]The brave men and women will be offered the following:[/SIZE]  --- A fair amount of coin as payment --- --- A place to live --- --- Equipment and items of interests ---
[SIZE=24]The tasks will include, but will not be limited to:[/SIZE]
--- Protection of property ---
--- Expeditions and the protection of the Merchant ---
--- Various tasks to help the business of the merchant ---
[SIZE=24] The Merchant seeks the following assistants:[/SIZE][/i]
--- Footsoldiers ---
--- Head of Intelligence ---  
--- First assistant in the Arts of Arcane ---
[SIZE=18]All of those willing to apply should leave a letter with their name and the prefered position at the hands of the innkeeper in the Wild Surge Inn.[/SIZE]


RE: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2006, 07:08:41 am »
Double post :(


RE: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2006, 07:09:31 am »
//Now a few OOC notes

Leaving a letter means sending me a PM, because then it is easier for me to contact you through the forums or LORE.

After you have sent the letter please wait for some time, might even be a week or so, then I will contact everybody who applied and arrange a meeting.

Levels are not important here, the most important is that your character would fit this entire idea.

And the last note, this can, and with some luck and dedication probably will, grow into something a lot more interesting that just protecting the house *smirks*


Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 01:40:29 am »
* Kobal investigates the matter to discover the identity of the local merchant. *


Re: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 03:30:12 am »
*Rhynn walks in , arching a brow at the handwriting on the letter...she's not completley sure, but has a feeling. Closing her eyes, and regretting it soon after, she hands her name over to the Innkeeper


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RE: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 01:25:03 am »
*on a crumpled piece of paper Oyrn leaves his name with the bartender, and walks off mumbling something about the short life expectancy of footsoldiers these days*


RE: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 01:05:48 am »
//I am sorry for such a long waiting period, Rufus needed to finish some things IC before he could begin this.

The proposed time is: 16h00 GMT 12h00 EDT 9h00 PDT this Saturday. I will post it on the calendar as well as send those who replies PMs with a place to meet. If the time is bad for many then it could be changed, but I believe it is quite acceptable for most timezones. If any still wish to join, but have not contacted Rufus, then you are free to send a PM, thank you.

If you applied and did not receive instruction the also, let me know, I might have missed a name.


RE: Militia now recruiting!!
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 01:46:10 am »
Due to the fact that the Dragon's Whispers Investigation is on at the same time, I would like to know how many wish to go there. If there are many then we can move the time a few hours, so please note that in PM answers.


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    RE: Militia now recruiting!!
    « Reply #8 on: October 15, 2006, 03:53:26 pm »
    Mila reads the note, the greedy smirk on her face getting wider and wider.