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Author Topic: Lost Axe  (Read 64 times)


Lost Axe
« on: February 19, 2007, 12:12:38 pm »
[SIZE=48]LOST AXE [/SIZE] Oi dropped me axe in Hlint near da bank today. Dis is a very special axe and oi will be glad ta reward enyone who foinds it fer me.  *you notice small water stains on the parchment that look like tears*  Tanks,  Kurgin Stormbrow,  Hammer O' Dorand

gilshem ironstone

Re: Lost Axe
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 02:58:43 pm »
*Gilshem walks by the board and sees Kurgins post.  Condern washes over his face and he quickly writes on the bottom*

I will match the reward offered by my kinsman to see to the safe return of his axe.

Gilshem Ironstone, Hammer of Dorand

