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Author Topic: *Tacked under the Dread Blade posters*  (Read 114 times)


*Tacked under the Dread Blade posters*
« on: November 22, 2005, 06:44:00 am »
To the fine mercenaries of the Dread Blade:

Your commander and chief, Cole Norseman, has a personal matter to attend to.  As such, the general meeting of the Blade is cancelled for this month (///week, RL///), this Threas (///thurs, Nov. 24th, RL///).  You are encouraged to meet amongst yourselves and to complete your own contracts, as well as secure new contracts for the Dread Blade.  

May your swords stay sharp!

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
Cole Norseman

/////  It's Thanksgiving here in the States this Thurs., and as such, I'll be eating turkey and pumpkin pie at me mum's.   :)