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Author Topic: Letter for Plenarius Ashaley  (Read 82 times)

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Letter for Plenarius Ashaley
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:05:00 am »
Hello Plenarius Ashaley

  I do not think you know me, nor do I think I know you. Nevertheless, we do have mutual friends I know.  I believe you can help me with a problem I or should I say the Clan is having.

  I am Taila Nightbird, but I am called Talon. I am a member of Clan Harmony and live at 159 Harmony Grove. Azaria is my Clan Mother are Clan is growing leaps and bounds and we are in need of another house or for that matter two or three. I would like to meet with you and discuss the possibility of buying your house in the grove.

 Would let me know if this can be done or talked about? The Clan would forever in your debt if we could arrange a meet between the two of us

With Respects

Taila Nightbird

