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Author Topic: Notice to all Travelers  (Read 337 times)

Praylor Falcus

Notice to all Travelers
« on: January 11, 2007, 11:50:57 am »
The gnolls between Haven and Spellgard, seem to have renewed thier attacks on Haven. The object of the raid according to Kit was the tower and the castle proper. The attacks ended when a large swirling vortex appeared over the city and a shaft of light south of haven appeared, upon investigation by tyrian, mylindra, mandalorian,horthgar,balazar and dwarven mage whose name i can't not recall....we found a large hole south of Haven which seemed to have some sort of binding circle and the remains of what looked like a shattered crystal or crystals.

   All travelers in this part of Mistone are warned to be on guard for further attacks and any wishing to travel this area should plan accordingly.

  Anyone knowing of the owner or former owner of the tower and any other information pertaining to the said tower or urged to contact one of the parties involved in this, as named above.

  Praylor Falcus


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 12:14:02 pm »
A parchment written in a deep blue ink by a neat hand is pinned underneath*
  So you found the remnants of our what?
  Mist provided the binding to deal with the gnoll threat...Mist's servant with help from others completed the ritual thus ending the gnoll attacks.
  As the reason causing the gnolls to attack has been removed I would cease causing worry and unrest to travelers.
  Oh...did it even occur to you to speak to Lord Rodor of Haven Castle? He could have told you all of this without the need to alarm the public.
  Priestess of Mist

Praylor Falcus

RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 02:49:46 pm »
*walks in the inn , noticing the the note below his post......pauses, reads it and promptly removes it.*    *grins*    Thanks for the info   *heads to fort llast to amend his report with the new information*

//ooc the above note is no longer here so it should be disreguarded in all IC actions from this point foward


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2007, 03:27:32 pm »
*A parchment written in a deep blue ink by a neat hand is pinned underneath*
  So you found the remnants of our what?
  Mist provided the binding to deal with the gnoll threat...Mist's servant with help from others completed the ritual thus ending the gnoll attacks.
  As the reason causing the gnolls to attack has been removed I would cease causing worry and unrest to travelers.
  Oh...did it even occur to you to speak to Lord Rodor of Haven Castle? He could have told you all of this without the need to alarm the public.
  And to the person who removed the original of this note...I WILL keep replacing it. It's time people knew that Mist does help,
  Priestess of Mist


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2007, 04:59:05 pm »
*tacks up a small note below her new one*

To Whomever this Muireann is,

We turned over the evidence of the ritual to Kit.  She said she was taking it to Lord Rodor.  We went later to speak with him, but he would not speak with us.  So Miss, we tried exactly what you suggested.  So your comments about us not alarming the public are at best... misguided.

My Thanks,


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2007, 05:06:34 pm »
*A parchment written in a deep blue ink by a neat hand is pinned underneath*
  It is hardly my fault if Lord Rodor consider you beneath him.
  As I was the person that designed and orchestrated with arcane help from others the ritual in question I KNOW this is sovled and you are simply alarming the public.
  If you wish to call me a lair in this I will happily arrange an audience with Lord Rodor for him to explain it in very small words.
  Also if you were unable to speak to Lord Rodor, why did Praylor of Toran tell me you had and he had failed to tell you of my involvement? Did the Toranite lie?
  Priestess of Mist


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2007, 05:14:31 pm »
*walks by and begins to laugh as she writes below*

Um Miss, did anyone call ye a lair?  Praylor was not there when we were trying to speak with the Lord, so who is accusing who of lying? We were simply concerned for the welfare of the public.

Tis a shame you are so thin skinned...

Sorry to insult your magesty as you must be a very important person to consult with the Lord.  I shall go back to my hovel and cringe before yer power.

*walks away laughing*


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2007, 05:19:14 pm »
*A parchment written in a deep blue ink by a neat hand is pinned underneath*
  And I had already stated in my first parchment that the public were fine.
  You decided to question that.
  All I did was offer to arrange an audience with someone you obviously aren't important enough to see on your own merit to clear up any confusion if you wished to question my word.
  And no, not majesty...maybe he just consider me more useful then your party
  Priestess of Mist


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2007, 05:25:53 pm »
*walks back past and laughs outloud*

Miss Highness,

Could ye please underline where I questioned you or the fact that the public was safe?  Perhaps us commoners don't read or write so well.  I certainly see no questioning of yer note in anything I wrote.  All I see is my reply to explain why we did what we did as at the time we had no idea what was going on and feared for the general populous.

Tyrian Dallorious

*she leaves the ink and quill sitting on the floor in front of the note*


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2007, 05:29:58 pm »
*A parchment written in a deep blue ink by a neat hand is pinned underneath*
  'So your comments about us not alarming the public are at best...misguided'
  As I know the public are not in danger and stated as much then you were questioning me.
  Priestess of Mist


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2007, 05:33:49 pm »
*A very comely young lady with an air of majesty about her walks into the Wild Surge.  Her blond hair is tied back, smartly and the spectacles that rest upon her nose add to her professional appearance.  There is purpose in her steps this day because she doesn't waste a single step plotting her course to the board.  She scans it quickly and nods, apparently having found what she sought.  With amazing efficiency she pulls a document from her pouch, unfurls it and tacs it to the board in one fluid movement.  Turning on her heal she walks from the Surge.  Outside you hear the faint sound a horse's hooves trailing into the distance.*
  *The paper if of considerable quality.  Near the bottom rests the official seal of Lord Rodor of Haven Castle.  Penned on it in a flowing, almost perfect script, is the following*
  To whom it may concern,
     Thanks to Priestess Muireann, Galen Tweed, the Elf Elohanna, the warrior Melanna and many others, whose names shall not soon be forgotten in the city of Haven, a grave threat was expulsed.  The gnolls have been driven from the city and repairs are continuing at a considerable pace.  Officer Kit, having been quite busy marshaling and organizing the recovery, was not fully informed as to what happened during the occupation of the outlying city.  Nor was she fully briefed on the specifics of the enemy's defeat.  This has been corrected.  
  To Praylor Falcus,
     It is regrettable that you never sought an audience with his Lordship to discuss what actually happened.
  *the page is torn here. In what space is available is a masterfully penned signature and the official seal of Lord Rodor of Haven Castle*
   Lady Delia, Attendant to his Lordship, Lord Rodor of Haven Castle.

Praylor Falcus

RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2007, 06:30:07 pm »
*walks in and views the furor his simple warning to the common travelers of this route has caused......till he gets to about the middle of the letter from the lord.  he clinches his fist and jaw and takes up the ink well and quill and begins to write*

  Your lordship, If my warning the people that might travel through your fair city of recent activities, and subseqquent actions of others is not known by me and all i have to go on is the contact with your head guard Kit. She ask us to investigate and we did. as to not seeking an audiance with you ....i did you just stood there and looked at me blankly ..i figured you in shock or something.

  Now as to this charge of slander, I demand you prove this, Before my church and the high justices of Rofirein, where in my notice to the people i slander you , your priestess or any one for that matter, I value my honor and my name as much as you do sir and accusations such as these will not be allowed to stand......So yes i demand audiance with you, your court and the afore mentioned officials so it can be explained why my doing my duty to serve and protect the people of mistone, is causing such a furor amoung you and your secret saviors.

   Praylor Falcus


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2007, 06:53:04 pm »
// @Praylor:
  If you approach an NPC and there is no GM around, it is not appropriate to imply that the NPC "looked at you blankly" nor propagate that kind of statement as some sort of implication against the NPC itself.  If a GM was not around to take control of said NPC and discuss matters with your character, then quite simply, the meeting never happened.
  I apologize to you and everyone else for taking this OOC, but saying an NPC stared blankly is no different than putting words into the mouths of NPCs, abusing AI in temples (i.e. emoting defilement knowing no action will be taken by the NPCs) and the like. Please refrain from this type of assumption in the future.
  Now, it seems to me that Lord Rodor issued a statement.  That should be accepted and you should move on from there.


RE: Notice to all Travelers
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2007, 06:59:00 pm »
A seemingly tall man with blue hair and blue eyes comes in walking in his armor embossed with the golden leaf of Aeridin. He looks at the board and sees the notes tacked one after each other and shakes his head.
    I ask of all of you to stop your bickering on that matter. I was part of the group that helped with the Gnolls invasion.  You would have to know that M'Lady Muireann has paid greatly to fulfill the ritual that freed Haven. I will not go into the details, but if it was not for her and the other mages, that participated in the ritual, Haven would probably be destroyed by now.
    It does no good to fight over what you know or don’t know about, and the fact that Lord Rodor did not answer you probably meant he was to much in his thought thinking of the destruction and the death of his people to the hands of the possessed Gnolls.
    If all of you are people of honor, you should then honor those who have died during the occupation and stop at once this that serves no purpose and only will make things even harder for the good people of haven to recover from their loss. Now would be the time for all of you to put aside your differences and work together to help with the reconstruction of the mess the Gnolls have left
    Lex'or Gravedigger, Cleric of Aeridin!
  //I started writing this before Dorg hasd posted.

