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Author Topic: Outrage and Condemnation  (Read 227 times)


Outrage and Condemnation
« on: January 13, 2008, 07:52:08 pm »
Adherants and those in service to beloved Aeridin across Mistone today are reeling at the unprovoked and inherently evil actions of an individual in the Silkwood grove yesterday.

In preparing for a midnight full moon prayer service at the sacred grove an individual came upon the group of children being prepared to be accepted into the faith during the blessed midnight prayer service. That person then attacked and killed the children and several of their guardians before help could arrive from the grove.

The individual fled south from the grove pursued by guards and hunting dogs. It seems they were cornered at the river as the bodies of several of the hunting dogs were found at the waters edge. Its believed the person dove into the river to escape capture.

The Aeridinites today are mourning the loss of the four children one of which was the daughter of the Lady Islington of Krandor, a wealthy benefactor of the House of the Healing Hand and the Faith in general. The order shares her loss with her and will stand by her side as she comes to terms with the loss.

In a statement from the Healer attending the grove he said:

'We will pray for the soul of the individual who perpetrated this abhorrent action. It can only come from a base and troubled mind and we implore them to give themselves up to authorities for the easement of their own soul.'

The individual is described as standing over six foot tall and broad shouldered he bore a whip and an axe as weapons and wore dark brown and black robes. It is assumed he jumped into the river south of the Silkwood. Trackers have been dispatched to search the river banks down to the Fort Last Road for signs of the person.

May Aeridin illuminate their soul.


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 03:29:33 pm »
*Ranéwin sees the notice in the wild surge in and frowns disgusted by it*

Those poor could anyone even have such thoughts pass through their mind. *she sighs and walks out of the wild surge, and towards the garden outside the Temple of Ilsare, she sets herself down and begins to pray*


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 04:26:19 pm »
*A lone figure stolls by the noticeboard, his white cloak parting to reveal the armour underneath it; burnished silver plates, with an unusual green foliate pattern.
A plain yew staff is strapped across his back, but as he reads the notice one hand clenches around the hilt of a longsword at his side.

He spins on his heels and strides to the doorway, and can be seen mounting a white horse, to ride in the direction of Folians' Vale*


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 04:42:34 pm »
*Flynn walks to the notice and reads the account*
*Flynn blinks his eyes, and re-reads the account*
*His complexion then goes white as the blood drains from his face*
*He stands motionless in a moment of recognition*
*He then slowly shakes his head in disbelief*
*He quickly gathers his things and heads out with purpose*


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 09:06:19 pm »
// any requests for further info can be PM'ed to myself.


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 11:50:30 am »
Trith walks up to the priest and after a long talk with him about the incident just shakes his head.  Those present overhear something extremely disturbing..

"I will not and can not stand by when such wantan murder against the order goes unpunished.  This and many other abominations against the church must be stopped.  At this time many laugh at our attempts and our following as a whole as we are ineffective in their eyes to stop anyone from attacking us or those we hold dear.  So again I restate, I will not stand by, I am forced to act and hunt down this man before he can take lives again.  If this is not Aeridin's will then unfortunately I will be forced to leave the church I love so that I can actively protect it from harm.  Aeridin owns my heart and soul and always shall, but again, I will not sit by while such blasphemies continue.  Please forgive my actions to come."

The priest frowns as Trith leaves.


Re: Outrage and Condemnation
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2008, 03:47:13 pm »
Today, at the One Eyed Harpy, I met with the man that most closely fit this description. This is a man I had traveled with before, a man of dubious reputation, but a man, none the less, who had proven a great comrade on the battlefield. Although, not his first weapon of choice, I had seen him use the axe and whip on occasion with lethal results. Putting my life at risk, I confronted him and asked if he knew anything regarding this slaughter. He reluctantly said he did. According to him, he was not the one that perpetrated this crime. Instead it was a half-orc with similar features that did the deed. He apparently overheard a conversation at The One Eyed Harpy between a lady in dark blue and a half-orc with a brownish robe and yellow patterns on it. The lady was accompanied by a man in red full plate and a sword who said nothing, but just looked on coldly. They were joined by the half-orc after having been at the Inn for sometime. According to my contact, she placed the order, and the half-orc carried it out. My contact had said that he was warned about his lady by a very knowledgeable individual of the Fort  Vehl under belly, but had disregarded the warning and proceeded to enter the One Eyed Harpy for a drink. This is when he over heard the conversation.

Now, I know what you are thinking. "it was not me, but someone that looks and acts like me", is a fairly flimsy defense. I reemphasized the importance of the matter (his is not known for his metal capabilities), and negotiated a deal for him to get more information on the lady and the half-orc from his contacts in Fort Vehl. He reluctantly agreed, but for a fee. He wants 5,000 coin to reveal any additional information regarding the lady that he gets from his contacts. He then promptly headed out to talk with his contacts.

I await his bird.

- Flynn

