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Author Topic: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect  (Read 271 times)


Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« on: October 06, 2005, 09:02:00 am »
*Trysk Yaeger is startled from his sleep by a dream, he immediately gets up, hastily puts his clothes on and swears under his breath at himself*

Dang Trysk! Stupid, stupid. How could ye have missed that.

*He grabs a parchment scribling feverishly, folds it and seals it with wax from a candle. Then he runs out of Leilon Arms and calls to a Messagerunner*

Lad! Get this as fast as ye can to Captain Garent Nefzen of Hlint. Here's nuff coin fer ye. Now make haste!

*The Letter is delivered soon to Captain Garent. It reads as follows:*


"Master Garent, I have reasons to believe that the fire in the Wild Surge Inn was caused by no other than Hlints own Pawnshop-merchant!

The last Monday I pawned a firebomb to him, as I was in need of money. He payed an outrageously large sum for it, about 67 coin. You should know that he usually pays a lot less for things and cheats as much as he can. He apparently really wanted that thing. I thought nothing of it and I did not realized it when the Inn caught fire this week.
I have no hard evidence yet.
I do still have the pawn-receipt for 1 Firebomb at the price of 67 coin. He usually should keep the Items sold for at least one Week before selling them on.
We must meet, Master Garent, as soon as possible to discuss further actions. Do not yet arouse his suspicion. We shall demand the firebomb back by paying the pawned money. If he does no longer have it he better have a good excuse."

"Signed Trysk Yaeger"


RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
*another note is passed to Garent*

"Master Garent"

"If you are Investigating and need me for questioning I will be at Leilon Arms tonite."

"signed Trysk Yaeger"


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RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 11:07:00 am »
Garent reads the note quickly with an incredulous look on his face and goes to talk to the pawn broker.  The conversation starts off intense, as you witness it from a distance.  In just a few moments things smooth out and Garent walks away shaking his head.  He crumbles up the paper and thoughtlessly tosses it into the well.


RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2005, 02:05:00 pm »
*sees the happenings and sighs*

Oh well. Maybe he dint do it afterall. I still wonder why he paid me good money for it...


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RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2005, 08:01:00 pm »
*Lushen looks at the wall to see if there is anymore about the fire*
  Then to him self said"To bad the town did not burn. Then the trees and grass would come back to this land."


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RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2005, 12:54:00 am »
*After muttering the sentence before Lushen thinks back to what he saw*
  Walking down the dirt road on your way into Hlint you notice two bipedal figures talking closely near the fence, behind a thick grove of trees.  They are both clad in mostly black, one with a hood obscuring his face.  The one without the hood looks elven, though nearly emmaciated he is so thin.  His messy and twig ridden blonde hair sways as he talks with the other biped with animated gestures.  He makes one chopping motion with the edge of his hand into the other.  He speaks some seemingly heated words and makes the same choping motion again. 
  The person he is talking to, a rather more robust looking human with a somehow dangerous demeanor about him, seems to be listening intently, like someone prepared to obey orders.  He turns quickly and looks right at you looking at him.  His body and gesture are frozen in the moment of realization that you are observing the interaction.  He makes a quick nod to the emaciated elf and directs his attention toward you.  The elf turns, and as he does the human steps back between the trees and is gone.  The elf regards you closley and gives a brief smile and a nod and then he seems to step right into the base of a giant pine tree.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2005, 01:37:00 am »
Prometheus - 10/8/2005  1:54 AM    *After muttering the sentence before Lushen thinks back to what he saw*
  Walking down the dirt road on your way into Hlint you notice two bipedal figures talking closely near the fence, behind a thick grove of trees.  They are both clad in mostly black, one with a hood obscuring his face.  The one without the hood looks elven, though nearly emmaciated he is so thin.  His messy and twig ridden blonde hair sways as he talks with the other biped with animated gestures.  He makes one chopping motion with the edge of his hand into the other.  He speaks some seemingly heated words and makes the same choping motion again. 
  The person he is talking to, a rather more robust looking human with a somehow dangerous demeanor about him, seems to be listening intently, like someone prepared to obey orders.  He turns quickly and looks right at you looking at him.  His body and gesture are frozen in the moment of realization that you are observing the interaction.  He makes a quick nod to the emaciated elf and directs his attention toward you.  The elf turns, and as he does the human steps back between the trees and is gone.  The elf regards you closley and gives a brief smile and a nod and then he seems to step right into the base of a giant pine tree.
 //This should probably be in character development, as there's no way anyone else reading this can know any of it.  The post above, was spoken aloud so maybe someone overheard, but unless someone's got an Ithillid pointing at you...  The problem is many times people, either due to misreading the context of a post, or whatever, assume their characters can know what they read on the forums.  -TV


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RE: Fire in Wild Surge Suspect
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2005, 03:04:00 am »
//will at first Rhizome put it in the General Discussion i did not know if anyone saw it. So was trying to keep people in the loop.