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Author Topic: Posted at the Craft Hall  (Read 45 times)


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    Posted at the Craft Hall
    « on: December 26, 2005, 09:16:00 pm »
    **Written in a stiff, formal rune like script**

    May Dorand, the Forge Father, fine you well and hale.

    I have been named Kheldhar, son of Khale and Dhala, grandson of Khalag and Gemma.
    True blood to the Clan of Hammerfall.

    I have been in search of a Brotherhood of Craftsman in these new lands in hopes of
    learning the True Arts from a proven Master and have found but rumors, and this fine Hall.

    I would stand honored and proud to be given the chance to meet and present myself
    for apprenticeship in the True Arts of Mining and Smithcraft.

    I am currently exploring this land awaiting a past friend, so have no solid home. I ask
    that if such an Appenticeship is available, please post here. I shall stop by and review
    the boards whenever I can.

    My heartfelt thanks,

    Honor to your Clan,
    Kheldhar Hammerfall