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Author Topic: Posters appear overnight  (Read 46 times)


Posters appear overnight
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:39:15 pm »
Posters go up during the night all over Port Hempstead and Vehl.


Toran, Rofirein and Aeridin.
Gods of the nobility.
Gods of the priveleged few.
Gods of those who can afford the luxury of an idealogy that goes beyond basic survival.

We see the well-fed adventurers, dripping with their jewels and gems, bearing the devices of the so called 'Gods of Good'. We see their derision. We see the contempt they hold for us.

What do they know of pain?
What do they know of hunger?
Do they know what it feels like to hold a starving child in your arms and have them suffer while you weep, powerless to do anything?

Is it right that a man is charged and jailed by the Rofreinites for the 'crime' of trying to feed his family? Is it right that the Toranites talk of their noble motives of purity and virtue whilst clad in shining armor that costs enough true to feed an entire village? Aeridinites who are so focused on ensuring the return of abominations to the great cycle yet they forget about the suffering of all those around them here and now.

Have all the Gods turned their faces from us, only blessing those with enough true to fill their church coffers? These Gods and their servants sneer at us - the 'common' folk. Let them sneer and ignore our suffering no longer.

They ignore our suffering, They laugh at our pain. No more shall we fight amongst ourselves as they would have it. No more shall we suffer in silence the indignities of the ruling classes and their uncaring puppet religions.

It is time to take what is rightfully ours. Time to end the suffering of our children. Do not fear my friends, fear is the tool of our enemies that for too long has kept us under their bootheels. Let our hunger, our suffering, our pain, our oppression be not their weapons.

Let them be ours.


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2007, 09:00:45 pm »
// Please note, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of these block printed posters, scribbling a retort on the bottom of one or two is unlikely to dilute or refute the message. Feel free to PM me. //

