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Author Topic: Slaughter in Western Dregar  (Read 40 times)


Slaughter in Western Dregar
« on: November 30, 2007, 08:58:22 pm »
News is slowly filtering in that the small hamlet of 'Farmersmeet', perhaps half a day's walk south of Wymere in Western Dregar, was the scene of bloody slaughter but a few days ago.

Those few witnesses to escape the massacre tell the frightening tale of a tall, curly haired, trident bearded man wielding two swords with unparalleled skill who slew man, woman and child without mercy.

Despite the presence of skilled rangers and trackers amongst their number, the squad of Redarms sent by the Sabre of Liwich to investigate were unable to discern any detail of which direction the murderer fled nor a clue as to his current whereabouts.