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Author Topic: Safety on the Seas?  (Read 64 times)


Safety on the Seas?
« on: November 21, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
Written on a hickory parchment, in a scrawling style more fitting for notes than announcements, is the following:

Friends --
In light of Bloodstone's recent attack on the Kingdom of Roldem, I am very much interested in obtaining passage to Calishan. The fate of certain residents of Tibum is of great concern to me. However, I've been told by numerous and reliable sources that Bloodstone's flotilla has completely blockaded Mistone and will allow no ship to pass. Can anyone with experience travelling recently provide me with more insight as to what shipping lanes are open, and what new dangers may exist for the seafarer? Any advice as to other methods of travelling to Calishan would also be of interest, should the waters prove impassable.

Ifion Witseeker, once of Tibum


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RE: Safety on the Seas?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2005, 07:59:00 pm »
*A call to action hangs below the unanswered inquiry*

I've heard no information out of Roldem since Blood's forces landed.  However, I feel certain many would like to know more and aid the beleaguered citizens of that realm.  If no one comes forward with more current knowledge, we ought to take it upon ourselves to investigate.  Not only are there people in need of help, but what we learn could be of value to the war effort.

I call upon all who have an interest in the condition of Roldem to speak up.  While we can not hope to challenge the enemy's navy, together we may find a way to infiltrate the islands.  I speak not of a mad attack on the enemy, but a carefully considered scouting mission.  I have some outlandish ideas for landing on the islands, but they would require beings of talent, experience, and audacity to have any hope of success.  Should a group that possesses the right combination of sense, stealth, and skill gather together, I would be willing to make the attempt.

Is there anyone willing to join me in this endeavor?

Make your mark here, so that we may confer and decide whether such a thing is possible.  

-Victor Firefall