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Author Topic: Scouting and Investigating  (Read 160 times)


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Scouting and Investigating
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
*Rhizome meanders out of the edge of the Sielwood forest and stands on a small bluff overlooking the main road into Hlint hoping to attract attention of various passers-by.  When individuals or groups stop, he greets them with an odd druidic hand gesture and then begins to talk in a more formal than usual tone*
  If you are a defender of Nature, or anyone interested in preserving the cycle of life in this world, then please allow me just a moment of your time.  I'm sure you've heard the rumors about Blood's troop movements.  These rumors need to be investigated and confirmed or falsified.
  Mistone is not as safe as the Blackford heralds would lead you to believe.  Eon travels our lands now and is in fact seeking to settle here.  He is seeking to rediscover a Bloodpool supposedly on Mistone, or perhaps to even make one anew.  This is a glimpse into a new strategy by Bloodstone, and is something we should focus our collective efforts on to counter.
  Please keep an eye out for this lich like figure and spread the word of your sightings and encounters.  In particular, let Plenarius Ashaley know any information you may have regarding Eon, regardless of how unimportant it may seem.
  I've also heard that many of the lands that we have previously scouted are no longer what we once thought them to be.  This could be a direct result of Bloodstone's maneuvering.  It could be countless other things.  Again, I think we should determine that and take a more proactive position with regards to the way the future unfolds.
  I will be guiding a group of answer seekers to the Great Forest, to ask questions of Katia's earliest.  I'd like to have the route well scouted ahead of time, to ensure the saftey of those travelling with me.  This will also help us understand the changing global dynamics.  Please spread this idea around and have any interested contact me at their earliest convenience.
  I'd also like to use the trek to the Great Forest as an opportunity to conduct a bit of this investigation into recent rumors and scout further along the way.  To do this, we'll need a steadfast and accomplished crew.  Please also spread this request around and have any interested contact me, or meet me here for the trek (//See the player generated event entitled "A Trip to the Great Forest").
  Perhaps you don't know me well enough to trust me.  Or perhaps our paths will not cross.  In that case, I still encourage you and your friends to become active about these situations and design your own investigations and scouting parties.  It is only through a unity of purpose that we will triumph.
  Thanks for your time friends.  May Nature's balance bless your way.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Scouting and Investigating
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
I've scouted a bit on rilara in response to the information the temple of Deliar has posted.

I spotted a troupe of warriors clad in black armor near bloody gate.  They seemed to be led by a mage of infernal herritage judging by her... um.. horns.

In the Iriand mountains I encountered some odd stonelike floating creatures and numerous demons.  Other parts of the mountains were infested with Abyssal creatures and I had to fight off more than one Maralith to escape.

I plan to scout the land north of Arabel as well, knowledge of this terrain is likely of greater import to your journey Rhizome.  I will do my best to gather some information and get back to you.

-Talan Va'lash


RE: Scouting and Investigating
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
*Buppi smiles and says in a tired voice*

A party of use went to the Rift Cave the other day and saw some very nasty looking golems the most deadly I've ever seen and I've seen a of them was...well it looked like a dragon and was made of bone.  It was awful...really. 

I'd like to come with you to the forest too if I can...I'm sure I'll be of use somehow.

*she smiles* I need to go and get a hot bath now...c'ya later.


RE: Scouting and Investigating
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2005, 02:55:00 pm »
I, Tathnolu Rilyn'val, confirm both of the above accounts. Mithril Golems, enormous Stone Elementals, and a what looked to be a Stone Dragon, were all seen in the Great Rift. Also these dwarves are not simply confined to the outskirts of the Bloody Gate. They have spread across many parts of Rilara, coming very close to several cities.
  Tathnolu Rilyn'val-

Talan Va'lash

RE: Scouting and Investigating
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
*a letter passes through the hands of many adventurers (and is read many times) before it finally reaches Rhizome*

...I sent this as soon as I stepped off the boat in Lorindar.  I've been to Xantrill... its nasty... bloody nasty.  Huge encampments of bloods soldiers... and Devils.  Some hideous twisted undead... things accompanied them.  They are sending small patrols out, and moving south in small groups.  Arabel could be overrun in a matter of days.  We must keep these troops out of dregar... and if they come to rilara, it will be much more difficult to keep them out of Mistone.

-Talan Va'lash


RE: Scouting and Investigating
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
*a bird flies past and dive bombs Rhiz thumping him once on the shoulder in a playful but obnoxious manner there is a note tied to its leg*

Geez daddy.... when were you going to mention this to me?



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    RE: Scouting and Investigating
    « Reply #6 on: May 23, 2005, 11:36:00 pm »
    *a badger waddles out of the undergrowth, approaches Rhizome cautiously, then transforms into a Forest Gnome*

    Greetings.  I am Eldo Murwinkle Badderkin Nobbs, of the Sielwood Baderkin Nobbs.  I see you standing there and have heard you talking of troop movements and infernals and many strange threats.  My people do not want war.  We are a quiet folk, who just want to live in peace and enjoy the life that the forest provides.  But I have travelled the forests of Mistone much of late and seen things that trouble me.  The undead that rise in the Broken Forest are an afront to nature's cycle.  Wraiths and Shadows inhabit much of the land and a Vampire was seen there recently.  I am only a badger of small stature, but the Forest speaks to me and sometimes answers my call.  I offer you my aid, if you will have it, and will listen on the wind for news of this Eon.  Can you tell me anything more about Eon, so that I know better for what I watch?


    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Scouting and Investigating
    « Reply #7 on: May 23, 2005, 11:48:00 pm »
    I can tell you a bit.  However the best person to speak to about Eon that I know of is Plenarius.  If you see me before you see him, I'll be glad to tell you what I know of Eon.

    -Talan Va'lash


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    RE: Scouting and Investigating
    « Reply #8 on: May 24, 2005, 01:05:00 am »
    Rhizome leans against a deep burgandy colored branch and listens with an engaged expression.  He nods about as many times as he looks briefly off in thought.  When Eldo is finished he smiles and speaks with slowly graceful words.  "You are truly motivated by Nature's embrace comrade.  I'm slightly unrooted by a few of those issues as well.  The undead you mention, well, that's something very important to understand."
      "I spoke with the High Druid of the Great Oak, the Hierophant she is also called, about this subject not long ago at all.  She asked me what I knew about it.  So I told her what I tell you now.  The Broken Forest was not too long ago a horrific undead production site.  The rangers Triba Guess and Enzo Reynolt dealt with it.  All that they could or were allowed to.  Talk to Triba for more entertaining and enlightening details."
      "The reason why they could only go so far in healing the Broken Forest is due to one grave in particular.  I'm sure you've seen it.  Shadow never falls on it.  And yet Shadow resides within it."  At this point he stops and smiles a moment then shifts his weight slightly against the branch.
      "It is the grave of a long dead servant of Tol'eflor named Shadow.  He is the one who rescued the last elven plant which is the last teather holding the Tol'elfor to our world.  His grave, you see, is of great significance.  But why it would generate undead in the area is a mystery.  Like you, I've thought of investigating this question further.  The Hierophant spoke strongly about doing otherwise."
      "The grave is also dear to Selian, an intense and powerful mage and one of the seven sisters.  She has some sort of deep personal connection with the grave there.  This has been experienced by a number of people I believe.  The grave, or nearby grave, was also the place where the Striker of Fear, another of the seven sisters was released from some sort of shadow-like death prison."
      "So, as you can see, the grave has deep connections with some of our most crucial objectives.  The problem in the Broken Forest is thus like a wilting shoot on a rootbound sapling.  To reverse the wilting we focus elsewhere on healing the whole tree.  And so with that grave, what we must do is to focus our healing efforts into beckoning the Tol'eflor back to our world in this time of Nature's greatest challenge."
      Then he stands up more erect and looks at Badger with an askew and inquisitive expression.  "Say Eldo Murwinkle Badderkin Nobbs, of the Sielwood Baderkin Nobbs, what do you think about having some sort of meetings for Nature's Defenders?  We could come together to present information, discuss concerns and determine collective objectives.  We could do this once or regularaly, whatever suits us, and perhaps engage in some proactive maneuvers as our objectives dictate."
      Rhizome shifts his weight again and then returns his weight to the branch, smiling at Eldo while he waits for his response.


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      RE: Scouting and Investigating
      « Reply #9 on: May 24, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
      *Badger's nose twitches in surprise*

      I am but a small creature in a vast forest, who watches and learns.  We forest folk have a practice of staying out of the way.  Few big'uns know that we even exist, and most ignore us.  Some big'uns that do see us mistake us for animals and hunt us for their own gain.

      I am surprised that a big'un such as yourself would wish my council, but I am more curious than most of my kind, and happy to aid you as I can.  I have some ability in the use of roots and flowers to heal the sick, and lately some of the spirits of the forest answer my calls for aid.  The natural cycle of the forest should be maintained and I am happy to meet to discuss possibilities with others who feel the same.

      Your story of the Broken Forest interests me and I shall keep it in mind.  If there is something that I can do to help treat the cause then I will to the best of my ability.  The malady appears to not be restricted to that place.  Recently I was on the High Moor collecting some honey and was attacked by lizard folk.  With the aid on my animal friends I was able to survive and defeat the aggressors, but then there was an unnatural lightning storm in the area and the bodies of the lizard folk rose as undead and attacked again.  Could this be another symptom of what ails the Broken Forest? Or perhaps this is the work of the Eon of whom you speak?

      *Badger settles back and listens to the voices on the wind*


      RE: Scouting and Investigating
      « Reply #10 on: May 28, 2005, 03:36:00 am »
      Brualot adds his little knowledge to the subject. Recently my travels took my into Berhagen Mountains, there i discovered an entry to the Underdark, when you talk of new bases and such...well is there a connection. I spoke with other well travelled individuals and they had not heard of such an entrance and so I concluded it was new...and perhaps dangerous. Ozy, that rather unwell and knowledgeable fellow, told me he knew of it, so perhaps it is not so new, however I have engaged a messaenger, Jacchri to inform the Witch of Seilwood, perhaps she will know what to make of it ?...Brualot wanders off deep in thought.


      RE: Scouting and Investigating
      « Reply #11 on: May 28, 2005, 11:24:00 pm »
      The Sielwood witch has been informed of this information.

      She will look into it.
