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Author Topic: * A letter to the Ulgrid dwarves and to Brac'ar in Shoufal. *  (Read 118 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

* Kobal and Hargranar personally deliver these letters to a priest of Vorax of the Ulgrid clan of dwarfs and at the door of Brac'ar Fireface in Shoufal. *

I are writing you to inform you about a disturbing discovery in the Berhagen Mountains. An informant passed information to me earlier today, so I went with Hargranar Craggenhilt, battlepriest of Vorax, to investigate.

We found what he described to us as a secret passage to the Underdark. The design of the tunnels and the interior in general is anything but dwarven. Our first assumption was drow, but on second thought it might have been made by the squid-men. The place looked very alien to us, and it seems it has been abandoned. But anyhow, a possible passage needs to be secured and guarded before things from emerge from the dark. We explored the place until we came upon a magically sealed door. It is heavilly trapped.

* What follows is a detailed description of the location of the entrance to the place. * // Not writing it here so this information doesn't get abused. Just in case.

I hope you will look into this further. Call for assistance whenever you need it.

Regards, Kobal Bluntaxe

// Posting this letter here, since I don't know where else to put it.


RE: * A letter to the Ulgrid dwarves and to Brac'ar in Shoufal.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2005, 02:01:00 pm »
*reading the letter Brac'ar mutters something under his breath*
  Squid men? I guess it is time to scour the caves beneath Shoufal again.


RE: * A letter to the Ulgrid dwarves and to Brac'ar in Shoufal.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2005, 11:20:00 pm »
*A quick scribbled note*

Yes indeed...Brualot, half elf wizard and investigator has also mentioned this information to me.
I have informed the Sielwood witch about it. She will look into it.


