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Author Topic: Searching for Master Jet  (Read 209 times)


Searching for Master Jet
« on: December 19, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
Master Jet, I am but a young apprentice of the Katana.  I require a master with your skill and power to further my progress with the blade.  I will do anything you wish if you take me on as your humble apprentice in your service and will forever be indebted to your grace.  Respectfully yours, Aprille Larkheart.


RE: Searching for Master Jet
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 02:38:00 pm »
*sees the notice and says to himself*
Hmm... I am not sure I would consider myself a master, but I can teach a thing or two...

*tacks a note up on the wall*
I will try and meet you when I am free. I will likely be around Hlint, either the smithy or the Temple of Ilsare. I will do my best to teach you some of the more difficult stances, as well as offensive moves.



RE: Searching for Master Jet
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 03:05:00 pm »
*A grizzled old man wrapped in a large knee length oilskin his hood pulled up high to prevent the rain dribbling through his chin sees the note and a murderous curse escapes his lips*

Stupid, stupid boy, did he learn nothing from me. Well so be it, let Tyde find him and cut him down. I must see that Danyalla is taken to safety once more for if agents of the Crimson blades see this note they will be after us once more.

*as an afterthought he turns back to the message on the wall* Master with your skill and power pah...hes good, but is he good enough yet to face Tyde....I dont think so.

*With that he turns sharply into the steady rain and for a moment the well worn hilts of twin katanas emerge from his coat before he pulls it close around him and leaves quickly and purposefully*


RE: Searching for Master Jet
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2005, 05:25:00 am »
*a little black dagger pins a note onto jet's note*

Are you sure you spoke to ireth about this, don't think she likes the idea....oh but leave it to me i will discuss this with ireth.


*reading the note you get the feeling she really enjoys herself with this development*


RE: Searching for Master Jet
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »
*Jet tears down all notes involving training*