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Author Topic: Theft at Club Llast  (Read 123 times)


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Theft at Club Llast
« on: November 26, 2005, 11:46:00 am »
*flyers are posted in Hlint, Fort Llast, Leilon, Krandor, Spellgard, and Port  Hampshire*

ATTENTION: there has been a theft at Club Llast...

Today the honor code of Club Llast was shattered as 2 Iron Fullplates, 1 Iron Halfplate, 1 Heavy Oak Crossbow, 1 light oak crossbow, 1 bonze longsword, 1 iron longsword,  and several hundred arrows were taken from Club Llast Training Facility. Normally we allow armor and weapon to be taken freely as longas you use it for personal use, but there is no way that in a single day, out memebrs could have taken all this, at least not ALL the members... this is some pretty valuable stuff... we are giving a warning that, if these items are not returned by week's end ((12:00am Sunday, Saturday night)) there will be reforms at Club Llast...  If there items are returned, it will be considered a misunderstanding and no charges will be pressed... thank you

*a letter to the Hlint Court House*

The only people with keys to the Club are as follows...

Ozymandius- Not a Suspect, he funded the Club's construction
Silool- Not a Suspect, loyal scince the first day of operation
Pyyran- Doubted Suspect, he has been loyal scince the first days of operation
Roxx Cloudwalker- Unsure
Quantum Windworth- Doubted Suspect
Axodeth Stonecutter- makes the armor, Not a suspect
Rugo- makes the crossbows, Not a suspect
Taila "Talon"- makes the arrows and some of the armor, Not a suspect
Myself, Justain Leonar- I was informed by Taila about the Theft

note: There was a guest at the Club by the name of Tristan recently, he is a paladin of Toran and is therefore a stongly doubted suspect, howerver I must be honest and will tell you that he spent a long time in the training room, but he didnt take armor when offered it so he is most likely not the thief.

We will fill you in on any updates...

Justain Leonar


RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »
*Michaelis sees this note along with the other and grumbles* Ozymandias funded this huh *he shakes his head and walks on by*

Grid Blader

RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 06:26:00 am »
*quantum walks be and the letter catchs his attention*  

*thinks to him self*

What is this, I am a suspect, even a doubted one is still a suspect..  I am not happy with this I must talk to Justan right away..  I have never been so embarssed in all my live...  


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RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 07:16:00 am »
Humm *Talon thinks to herself after our talk last night about his God I will probally be on he suspect list soon as she mumbles * Toran Hum killers of the weak, *and walks away shaking her head*



RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2005, 07:20:00 am »
A hickory paper notecard is attatched under the notice in both Hlint and Fort Llast, the angular Common script scratched out in rough charcoal.

"If the items in question are not returned by the specified date, and the business procedures and open customs of Club Llast are forced to change, there will be a large number of very irritated patrons of the aforementioned establishment. It would be no great shock if those patrons were to wish grevious, imaginative harm upon the one who brought about such circumstances, and it is this staff member's most sincere wish that such slow, drawn-out bloodshed not be precipitated by the withholding of the currently misplaced belongings of the Club.

Due warning has been given.

The notes are unsigned, but any who have seen this hand before are sure to recognize it.

//If you've read Pyyran's writing before, don't bother rolling. If you haven't, and you're dead-set on knowing who posted this (XD), Lore DC 15.

He tends to comment everywhere.


RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
Spugly reads the note slowly
Humm me glad not join now looks like it not safe der.
me know Roxx not take things.

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RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2005, 08:31:00 am »
Daemon duMoran takes a look at the note posted by the owner of the club" “Master Roxx, a suspect,” the thinks? “I doubt that very much, for many others have mentioned to me about this Justain's, umm . . . untrustworthiness and doubtable character . . . and though I myself, can not be a good and fair judge of this Justain’s character – for his behavior toward my beloved has been harsh and unworthy of one who would call himself a Paladin, of any god, even this” *and here Daemon forms a grim face* “Toran, such a one who has the Runner as his foe? I feel . . . And, and well, to me, he feels just, way too smooth and, umm, greasy for my tastes. As one immortal Bard once said (about a character in one of his many plays concerning a character in that play, who was playing “CYA”): ‘methinks he doth protest too much.’”
“This place, this club, has been called, a . . . a ‘nunnery’ (OOC note – slang medieval term for a whorehouse) by some, and while I have no first hand knowledge of this. I would think that a Paladin would wish to distance himself from any such a place or even the suggestion, especially one who supposedly follows so strict a code as Toran’s. Perhaps these followers of this god, are not all that they seem. If they are to be judged from what I have seen of this paladin, then they might be one sorry lot, indeed.”
(OOC: these are thoughts and thoughts only, except for the facial expression, none of this is expressed aloud in any manner.)


RE: Theft at Club Llast
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2005, 04:00:00 am »
added to this not is more in a fine hand, its in abyssal and common

Have you talked to the one known as Taislin the Halfling
For he is of base character and his knavery is well known.
He has by law been condemned as house breaker and
Stealer of things.
Thaw should but him to the test until he confesses his wickedness
In this matter or be at rest with his god.

A worried citizen