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Author Topic: The GOD Free'ers  (Read 205 times)


The GOD Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:32:41 am »
*For thows in the in who are there a small Female elf wwalks in,  with white skin, jet black hiar and an all over body tatoo that seems to be some form of scriptuer. She walks over to the bord not stoping for a drink and pins a note all the wall*   GOD SLAVES OF THE LANDS

  The time has come to brake free of your bonds  and smash the cages of the mind that hold you back from true enlightenment. The time is coming when all shall be free and no longer will our eyes be covered  with the deceets and lies inflected on us buy the  greedy and manipulative gods. Free you selfs we say of there lies they are succubus of will and soul and embark on the glorious path beyond any thing there temporal dreams can manifest.  Enlightenment is our aim and right and no god will hold us in thrall to there will over our own.  Signed  THE GOD Free'ers.


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 07:24:43 am »
Freeing the gods from their most heavenly bonds, except in the case of Toran and Corath, who must be freed from the everlasting and quite stinky embrace of immortal combat...alas! Fear not, oh deities of the Realms Eternal! There is hope if you wish to be released from your unearthly bonds, rise up!  She giggles slightly at the image and runs away with charcoal in hand before Doria chastises her for trolling the public notice board.


RE: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 08:50:08 am »
and how exactly do you plan on doing this?
  you fools, the gods are not all greedy, some just wish balance, and the greater good which you are too stupid to see.
  may your crops wither and die as you are too stupid towaterthem
  sighned: you are too stupid to be told
 *a furious looking brownie scuttles out of the inn, muttering on his way (many drunkards burst out laughing)*


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 09:57:55 am »
*A masked human rinking looks on as the Brownie walks out*
Looks like this is not going down well with the clearics,
Now you tell me of a god that did nots ask for a hind out or coin
every time you go to the temples, greedys not the word for it and if
its not coin its you payers there after.

WHAT SAY YOU! we die as the clerics swan around in there fine armor and magic trinkets.
You ever see one of them eat the stuff we have to now the sky is dark,

why has the sun not shone A!

and ask this You ever see a thin and half starved prest.

They live in fine houses wile ours are piles of rubel after this
GOD FORSAKEN WAR! A! whats right in that.

He talks of crops that clric what dos he know of hardship.
WITH OUT THE SUN what will grow but tome stones!

*there is much comtions and jesers of agreement*


RE: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 10:05:02 am »
*Caighd stands and look thoughtfully at the note for a time before grunting and putting quill to paper*
  Everyone is entitled to hold their own beliefs, faithful and faithless, believers and nonbelievers, followers and leaders, alike. Enlightenment has many paths.
  I respectfully ask that you exercise consideration in your words and endeavor. There are many who will not tolerate the slandering of their faith. While any attack on your person would be dealt with, inciting such action might be equally as
  Caighd Brendimeere


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 10:13:34 am »
*Triba examines the original writing carefully, she notes the style of penmanship, she asks around for those who sighted the person who scribed it. She then gives an eye to the man that started the commotion clearly making sure that his comments are not appreciated and will end quickly if they are continued. She notes all description of the elf after calming the crowd and sets off in a search for this elf then mutters to herself as she sharpens her golden axe*
  I'll free her from the gods and send her to the Soul Mother... lets see how much she likes her "freedom".


RE: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 10:23:24 am »
*the black wavey script writes*
  We shall see how much you do not believe when you have thewrath of the gods stabbed through your mortal heart
  *There is a dagger stabbed into the original note Piercing the words GOD Free'ers*
  *it is not signed*


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2006, 01:14:40 pm »
//double post


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2006, 01:19:47 pm »
NEXUS7 - 9/7/2006  5:57 AM

WHAT SAY YOU! we die as the clerics swan around in there fine armor and magic trinkets.
You ever see one of them eat the stuff we have to now the sky is dark,

why has the sun not shone A!

and ask this You ever see a thin and half starved prest.

They live in fine houses wile ours are piles of rubel after this
GOD FORSAKEN WAR! A! whats right in that.

He talks of crops that clric what dos he know of hardship.
WITH OUT THE SUN what will grow but tome stones!


when was the last time you had to steal to survive! how many weeks have you gone without food! did you have to look after a crippled sibling so that both of you could survive! have you seen your family decimated by a cold winter! has your family been massachred because you had no shelter! are you the last of your entire family! and have you even endured half of what i have!?


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Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 02:03:02 pm »
*bursts into laughter upon seeing the post*

What I wouldn"t give to see whats happening to the poor person who wrote this...

I follow no god in particular, but I have the sense of head not to insult them and all thier followers.
*no signature*


RE: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 09:26:12 pm »
*Starr enters the inn looking to get a bite to eat and notices the posts. He stops by and reads through all the new ones and is quites shocked and saddened at what he reads. He adds to the post*

You poor soul, you wonder the surface alone and lost. Seek the Deep Mother and she shall take you into her heart and show you the light of your spirit.

For one whom seems travelled you have seen nothing for many live and die wvryday in this darkness assisting those in need. I myself as a healer travel about giving what the Deep Mother may have me give. This is not darkness it is but a cloud cast over our souls.

To live in darkness and constant threat one must live with my kin in the Underdark where no sun shines yet life thrives.

Be careful as to what you speak until you truly understand.

May Her Perfection give light upon your soul that you may feel love and come to understanding.

*Starr then mutters a small prayer for the unfaithful to find his way and leaves the Inn losing his appetite*


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2006, 11:01:08 am »
*over the next few days at key sites the sign of the god freeérs is darbed in white paint and walls and rocks.
I U shape with a arrow pointing up in it.


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2006, 12:14:22 pm »
NEXUS7 - 9/7/2006  6:57 PM  *A masked human rinking looks on as the Brownie walks out* Looks like this is not going down well with the clearics, Now you tell me of a god that did nots ask for a hind out or coin every time you go to the temples, greedys not the word for it and if its not coin its you payers there after.   WHAT SAY YOU! we die as the clerics swan around in there fine armor and magic trinkets. You ever see one of them eat the stuff we have to now the sky is dark,   ASK YOUR SELFS WITH WHERE ARE THE GODS!  why has the sun not shone A!  and ask this You ever see a thin and half starved prest.  They live in fine houses wile ours are piles of rubel after this GOD FORSAKEN WAR! A! whats right in that.  He talks of crops that clric what dos he know of hardship. WITH OUT THE SUN what will grow but tome stones!  *there is much comtions and jesers of agreement*
  Nexus, who's this masked human? Is it a character of yours?
  If it's just some random NPC, you can't do this, that's up to the DMs. Also, you can't just type the people in the inn cheer on in agreement.


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2006, 03:57:28 am »
EdTheKet - 9/8/2006  12:14 PM  QUOTE]
  Nexus, who's this masked human? Is it a character of yours?
  If it's just some random NPC, you can't do this, that's up to the DMs. Also, you can't just type the people in the inn cheer on in agreement. 
 Yep its Max, hes just doing what he dos an storing things up for fun, he has that kind of hummer, as for saying what others in the inn do, may A post here has done just that, Ligfe at some thing, look one, go out side to see, move aside etc but if what you say is true (v Wild Surge Inn) I will refream from doing it again. doing as others do dos mot make me right.


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2006, 08:08:49 am »
*done to day in game*

*two dwafes and a white elf walk into the inn, as the two deafes talk to a small bard in there about a lost trinkit, the elf wonders over to the boord and
looks shoked when she sees the dagger sticking out of her notice* No no thats not what I wonted at all *she takesthe notice down as the dwafes come over*
we better go I can see I will have to thing about this a try another way.


RE: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2006, 08:12:37 am »
*a tough looking Dwarf writes a message*
a think ye're all bein' a wee bit hard on the short lad, it takes one as sturdy as tha moun'ain to survive tha.
*the Dwarf looks at the size of the Brownie's writing and chuckles "wee man"*


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2006, 12:47:15 am »
*note the two dwarfs in the post above where pcs not npcs sorry for that, it was all done in game as rp*


Re: The GOD Free'ers
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2006, 08:23:18 pm »
Yer all barmy.


