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Author Topic: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)  (Read 145 times)


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Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
Me’s met t’e cow’erder again .. ‘e’s a real s’arptoot’ anda ‘e’s got me’s deal for ‘is cow anda now me’s off to collect it on ot’er side of water. ‘e told me’s t’em cows are muc’ stronger t’en t’em oxes ‘ere in ‘lint anda t’at makes it a fine deal for some dusters.

Now me’s also ‘eard yous talking to t’em cow’erder buts yous didn’t know yous way to ot’er side of water anda now me’s ‘ave also fine deal anda if yous like you can come wit’ me’s anda if yous also got lig’t in brain yous will do it buts not for not’ing.

'Da Cruncha'.

//After talking to Aragwen this might be another possibility for the newcomers to see some areas of Layo. It will take you away from the more established routes. See this link for the original idea.

Somewhere on Rilara there is a cow running loose and we are there to get it. Little combat so you should be relatively safe also this will be no guaranteed success as I have no idea where this cow is. On the other hand the knowledge of the cows whereabouts might be useful to you for future reference and if you are lacking funds for the boat trip I can pay for some tickets. The cost for the guided tour can be paid afterwards .. I’ll let you sort out what that is.

Initial date 22/8, time 19:30 GMT (time on top of forum) in Hlint's inn.


RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 02:04:00 pm »
//Would love to do this but the 7.30pm is a little bit too early for me.  Any chance of another one at a later time, say 8.30-9pm sometime?


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RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
//I could shift this to 8.30 pm but it depends whether there are others interested in doing this at 7.30 pm. Would you be able to meet in Port Hampshire? It would save us a some time since I got 2 hours and 10.30 is doable but on the late side of things.



RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
//I totally understand that if there are other's want to do it at 7.30pm we'll be out of luck but if there aren't then myself and Egoober (Elladan Peters) will do our level best to make it to Port Hampshire alive to be able to meet you 8.30pm.

I completely understand about 10.30pm being doable but on the late side of things - we've got two kids under the age of 4  :)


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RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2005, 01:27:00 pm »
//Things have shifted a bid. Let's change the time to 8:30 PM GMT in the Inn in Hlint so we can all make it to Hampshire in one piece, I'm looking forward to this.



RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2005, 01:30:00 am »
//Your not the only one!


RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2005, 01:45:00 am »
Well if Irith is going along, then someone needs to try and keep her out of trouble!

If the offer is still open, I'd would dearly like to learn more of this place and the life that fills it.



RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2005, 07:03:00 am »
I don't remember you managing to keep me out of trouble before Ellandan but as always your company is appreciated.


