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Author Topic: Spugly Fuglet gos home  (Read 70 times)


Spugly Fuglet gos home
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:56:39 am »
*A very big note is pinned to the wall with a dagger, a goblin arm still hold it*   To mes mates and freand all overs the lands  Now dat Bloodnuts is ocuhed to death and da war is overs Me has left Glokks gaint armys sos me can go homes to mummy.  he have good time couching things with, manys in da war and  me likes many. But me still sad after Ayla deaded for go.  Me happy go home as me miss home in gray pecks, if you dear looks out for old Spugly.  All da best  X Captin Spugly Fuglet Gaints Free armys  

  //I am retiring Spugly as hes ernt it dont you think and hes happy