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Author Topic: Starr writes a letter to his temple teacher  (Read 50 times)


Starr writes a letter to his temple teacher
« on: November 28, 2005, 09:56:00 pm »
To my Teacher, Ruby of Her Perfection,

Your teachings have done me well on the surface. My skills in healing are becoming honed and asked for and my faith grows stronger with each passing day. It is amazing the variety of races that you meet. I have been lucky to meet one of our surface cousins, a forest dweller named Azaria. She is very nice and has a very big heart and strong spirit. I have learned that she has been appointed clan mother. It is she that I write to you for assistance, for she has become a friend and i wish to offer assistance.
Teacher, I am temple trained but I am unfamiliar with the bonding ceremony. Her clansmen has asked me a few times to instruct her in this ritual but I am unable to. I know this is teaching from the females but I thought the temple may have some knowledge, I sent them to a temple on Rilaia in the village of stone but the priestess was of no help. Do we have a similiar custom or is this someting that only our surface cousins follow. Please reply so that I may assist a friend.
Sincerely, your student.

Starr Sapphire
Malachite of Her Perfection

*summons an earth mephit and gives it the letter to deliver to temple of his teacher*