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Author Topic: Report of Warrant Officer Kit  (Read 54 times)


Report of Warrant Officer Kit
« on: December 01, 2005, 08:20:00 am »
*Warrant Officer Kit makes her report to the Lord of Haven Castle

“The south road had a minor incursion by Gnolls.  Only minor casualties were reported.   The road north is secure between Haven and Hlint with only one report of a rabid skunk.   Mercenaries continue to make their camp to the west.  There are occasional disturbances but they appear to pose no threat to your lands M’Lord.   Besides they tend to unwittingly keep check on that hole.”

“Very good Warrant Officer Kit.   What of that old mine?   Any movement by the Ogre Clan?”

“All seems quiet M’Lord.  With the number of adventurers seeking ore and minerals there it is hardly a threat anymore…  well there was one thing… hardly worth mentioning though.”

*The Lord of Haven raises an eyebrow

“A couple of fools came running out all banged up going on about a horde of Ogres in the mines.  Most likely a couple of young adventurers bit off more than they could chew.  They were going on about different tattoos and such,” laughed Kit.   “By the way they talked you would have thought there was an entire Ogre Army down there,” Kit ended in a fit of laughter.  

“Who were these rag-a-muffins anyway”

“One I recognized as the owner of the Leilon Arms…  what’s his name Dorrack or something…  always has that black armor on like some sort of villain…  He should keep to the comfort of his Inn…  not out battling Ogres and such.   The other I have seen in and out of the Mines often though I don’t recall his name.   I thanked them for “saving” haven from an invasion,” chuckled Kit.”

“Those youngsters will never learn,” grinned the Lord of Haven.