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Author Topic: Stone has fallen!  (Read 111 times)


Stone has fallen!
« on: December 21, 2005, 11:34:00 pm »
*Luna posts up parchment with the following information*

[big]The town of Stone on Rilara has fallen to Blood's forces tonight.

As well as several constellaions made moves in the sky and we think Beryl's may have fallen.

The towns of Karthy and environs are alerted to it. The Sisters have been informed.

An epic battle was staged to take back Stone and protect Lannisport. There were hordes of Blood's troops as well as demons. Only four escaped. Of the party, only two survived.

Take heed when traveling on Rilara.

Blood is here![/big]


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RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 03:04:00 am »
*tired from his quick trip to Rilarra and back, Vesath writes a follow-up note and pins it below the original*
  I went to Stone as soon as I saw this letter.  In the Belgear Hills south of Stone I found many burning fires, a heavy ranged weapon, and an impaled body.  I was unable to remove the body and give it a decent burial.
  Inside Stone I found it barren of all life save for the cows and chickens, which strangely enough, are still roaming around.  The large tree in the center of the town is burned to a crisp, the ground is blackened, and something that appears like acid is falling from the sky.
  The temple is blocked off by large stones.
  Fires burn throughout the town.
  Sunspear castle appears to have been spared.  I could find no guards, however, and my knocks at the gate were unanswered. 
  I roamed around the area looking for blood's guards, but found no sign.  On earlier excursions I found that his forces had camps in the Iriand Moutnains.  All in all I have found about four or five camps.


RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
*Quill comes in to the inn after weeks on Dregar crafting for a goodnights rest and some fine drinks. After getting his first drink and key to a room he sees the note.He suddenly stops the ale he was drinking and it falls to the floor.*
  Stone has fallen!? This cannot be.. It just can't. *he quickly drops to his kness and spreads some finely cut gems around and begins to pray* Beryl, please be with our lost brothers and sisters there in Stone and I vow that the temple and town will be restore with all that is within me or until my last breath.. Please guide me and protect me in the task that I have set out to do..
    *Quill rises, forgeting the fine gems he layed out amoung the floor and storms out of the inn.*  


RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 05:55:00 am »
*Derrick reads the note and quickly writes a note at the bottom.

I dispatched one of Blood's Mercenary near Farmer Part's fields on Rilara.

Travellers be wary.



RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 08:27:00 am »
*Michaelis sees this and sighs angrily...he mutters to himself* Of course the livestock were left alive...his only purpose is to destroy the world of men among other humanoid races.  Damn it! *he walks off heading to Llast*.


RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 10:12:00 am »
*Himon One leg the begger looks at the note and say to all in the Inn*

Whats ta worry about A!
Stone is miles away and Blood wont come here
Were as safe as houses here I tell ya.
All this fuss over a place half a world away.

*gos back to happy drinming unworred*


RE: Stone has fallen!
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 05:19:00 pm »
*Zandor walks by the notes on the board with an ale from his pack in his hand after a long day of crafting and reads down and he see's the note about Stone falling to bloods armies* Bloody 'ell stone has fallen te Blood and he took the bloody hop supply bloody bugger. If i every see him ill give him a slow death with a blunt axe then cast him te the nine 'ells with me own hands.
and the reson for all the fuss it that if blood takes even one town more then he did insted of losing a town or city that means he is wining battles in this war fool and he should not be for that gives his armies more hope of wining the war and let me tell ye fighting an army with hope is harder than fighting an army with none for they curmble at the site of true power so aye fool it is a big deal that blood is taking stone another city that falls to him we lose more in the war.

-Zandor Glowingaxe

*Zandor throws his ale he was at the wall and it breakes aginst it as he walked by in anger and stompes out grumbling about fools that thank what blood does is not a big deal and what they are going te thank when Blood's armies show up at there home towns and takes it for himself*