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Author Topic: Twin Dragon Inn Announcement  (Read 84 times)


Twin Dragon Inn Announcement
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:50:16 pm »
*a notice posted in inns, taverns and crafthalls across Mistone*


The Twin Dragon Inn located at 137 Leringard is now open for your enjoyment. We have been around for years and years as a simple boarding house and small store, but from now on the main doors to the establishment shall remain unlocked.

Our greatroom is now yours to enjoy at your leisure. There is a stage for aspiring bards, a set  of comfortable couches to relax and talk with friends, and a portal to lands far away.

Please be sure not to disturb the tenants, but do feel free to come and enjoy the warmth from the cold.

Tyrian Baldu'muur
Proprietor and Security Officer

//please see this link for expectations that should be followed in order for the door to remain unlocked//


Re: Twin Dragon Inn Announcement
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 08:39:01 pm »
brilliant. is it open all the time? do i need a key to get in? who should i talk to about visiting? i did go to the town. i admit i dont quite get the card game yet. meet you soon ~SLIP

