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Author Topic: Stormcrest Guides  (Read 5505 times)


Stormcrest Guides
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:36:16 pm »
[INDENT][INDENT]The clinking of many keys and the chiming of small, silver bells fills the shack at the crossroads as the small halfling balances on a stack of books in front of a noticeboard. She hmms at this posting or that, flipping through those notes left for guides that were looking increasingly ancient, and still unread. She smiles when glancing through some of the names here and there, from mountains to skies to forests, and at the traces those wanderers have left.

"All the same, it is a little bad for business, no?" she grins over her shoulder to the dwarf behind the bar, and irreverently rips the whole mess down and tosses them behind her, leaning forward on the wobbling stack to place a single notice (neat enough to make it impossible to have been written by herself) on the now-empty board, with a small, stylized lantern drawn beside its heading. Without noticing its slightly crooked hanging (likely owed to her standing on one foot and leaning while posting it), she hops down, satisfied, and waves a hand to Korim on her way out with her improvised stool.

In her absence, amid supplies, maps pinned and unrolled on surfaces, and small mementos from travels or exploits far and dangerous, the notice remains, legible without light and untouched by the dust of any time that may pass between travelers.

[SIZE=32]Stormcrest Guides[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]For every bridge uncrossed, and mountain unclimbed
For want of aid
Every road untraveled, and wilderness unexplored
For lack of a map

Find a guide

Whether for one summit reached,
Or only to journey with far-journeyers,
To know the road you're traveling...
Find a guide[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Leave your requests here, or watch for guides when the torch burns at the crossroads[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10]((Please leave this thread for IC guide requests only - use the rest of the forum for rumors and trades and character communications.))[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: mixafix, willhoff


A simple white parchment.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 10:45:41 pm »
A simple white parchment is tacked under this notice. The handwriting is legible, compact and economic with not much flare to it.

Looking for a brave and willing guide to lead a small handful to the historic site where the conflict with Sinthar Bloodstone saw its end. The specific location would be the large crater found in the Orsgaunt Mountain where his fortress once stood.

Please contact me if there is any interest, a simple bird would do, though I often wander near the Stormcrest shack.

Samnyma C.


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2009, 02:44:32 pm »
A short response to Samnyma after a wandering delay, scrawled in a shimmering ink.

Summer's End, Arnax. No more than a handful.

((Agreed on Tuesday, October 6th. Other than it being after 4PST, whenever your party can be there.))


Stormcrest Trip - Great Oak Signups
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2010, 07:53:30 pm »
[INDENT]Stuck beside the guide parchment with an old dagger is a simple notice requesting sign-ups for a diversion from the usual outing.

Novlar - The Great Oak

All those that would see the heart of the world
Witness the powers of nature unfurled

Whether x's or curls, cursive or print
Just please scribble your mark here on parchment

Douse your flames in good faith, sheathe axe or sword
Enemies beware the Great Forest's ward

[INDENT]((For next Sunday, any that are interested in a trip to the Great Oak, please either respond IC here or PM me. Due to the nature (har) of the destination and its protections we need to know ahead of time*. Even if you're not sure if you can make it, if you want to attend, just sign up so we can get it on the list.))

*Druids and those with defender passes can go their own way as ever of course...[/INDENT]



Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 08:03:31 pm »
I am interested in coming along.

~ Amanda Doesscha    

Script Wrecked

Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2010, 10:22:34 pm »
~Argali Trueaxe


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2010, 10:29:12 am »
Ferrit Pandorn


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2010, 02:10:28 pm »
Ben Poetr.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lord Dark

Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2010, 06:28:40 pm »
Me too!

-Tod Fellow


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2010, 07:32:47 pm »
~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

Lance Stargazer

Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2010, 09:36:09 pm »
~Lance Stargazer


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2010, 09:38:15 pm »
Ell would be interested


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2010, 10:27:00 pm »
Always glad to follow your songs.
-  Samnyma -


Re: Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2010, 11:44:17 pm »
~Tralek Rivarmar


Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2010, 03:21:55 pm »
Apreal(ish) - Inside Ozlo's Tower

When shadows hid the sun and stars
Cloaked the moons, and gave earth fresh scars
Plagues and famine, death and sorrow
Most hope gone for new tomorrow

In a cauldron, up in a tree
Where dragon-scribe had once made tea
Up the ramps, and around to climb
To see where hid the Sands of Time

Unveil the moons, unveil the sun
To end a Dark Age, yet never undone

[/I]((No names needed. No requirements - level, party, or otherwise...))


Stormcrest Guides
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2010, 09:05:01 pm »
Riddling keeper of the gate,
Why on the bridge do you still wait?
Between earth and skies that both still weep,
What must be done before you sleep?

Restored keeper of the tears,
Sorrow can't be measured in years
Said I'd visit and so we will,
We've a promise we must fulfill!

-Novlar-ish at the Shack


A finger traces almost
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2014, 12:07:49 am »

A finger traces almost wistfully the faint enchantment on parchment; bells chime as the hand drops once more. The dwarf was one of those that had been unsurprised to see her, even if the better part of a century had gone by since the music of bells and keys had breezed through the doorway for a few on the house. But then, a crossroads waystation for far-wanderers got used to that, didn't it? There were places beaten and worn into her scarred feet, and the colorfully adorned halfling smiled to think that the Shack was one of them. She'd missed it, without knowing it. 

She goes once more through a few old notices and requests, lips quirking in amusement to see a handful for her, decades old, and then tosses the mess over her shoulder once more. "Tell them we're taking requests, again!" she laughs, on her way out, not answering the question of who 'we' was supposed to mean until she's jumped off the side of the steps to splash through the stream. "I suppose that's me, and whomever I feel like...!" She squints up at the unlit torch suspiciously. "Do you think they'll realize I've not walked this world for some number of decades and have no idea where I'm going? Naw..."

((I was going to make a new thread, and found this one still stickied, oops. Please use this thread to request guided trips, and to note your availability for said trip times. No scripted quest completions, no trips for the purpose of CNR gathering (loot/casual CNR at guide discretion). If something should be private or a secret, by all means grab IG or PM - anything requested here is open to all players/levels. Very difficult locations or stories may take a little longer to arrange. Regular scheduled un-requested trips to resume ...soon.))



Quenton cannot remember if he
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2014, 09:55:39 am »

Quenton cannot remember if he has been to the elven ruins in the Whitehorn, the Broken Halls! Do they have 'taurs? Vampires? So many ruins to choose from! A well-worn story if ever there was one, but we meet here at the Shack so please come along and protect me from overlarge lizards with aspirations above their stations!

PS Bring supplies, we sail for Leringard!


((Today, 5pm PST))



//I'm going to try to bring
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2014, 10:29:46 am »

//I'm going to try to bring someone, probably Niamh



While gathering some corn and
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2014, 10:52:14 am »

While gathering some corn and feeding chickens, the notice captures Plenarius' attention and makes a mental note to attend. He places his hands on his hips and says aloud to no one, "I wonder if I can get a few holes in my history of Saprorias patched up."