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Author Topic: Lost and Found - Kite Shield  (Read 68 times)


Lost and Found - Kite Shield
« on: February 22, 2006, 12:29:10 am »
*In a tiny script (if you have good vision) you can see the following:*

To the owner of a very new, shiny, clean, un-battle tested looking kite

I found a copper kite shield laying about in Hlint last night... I dragged it
to the barn where I live with my Husky Dog pal, Frank.  If you lost the
item, I would be happy to return it to the rightful owner... Wouldn't want
any adventurers going out without proper protection from the dangers
outside the gates!

Please don't disturb me or my pal Frank in our home.  Post here and I will
ensure the shield gets back to you.  The barn isn't really clean right now
with people just letting their oxen and horses do what not!

Freida the Barbarian Brownie

