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Author Topic: Temple Fundraiser - Prince of Wolves  (Read 271 times)

Guardian 452

Temple Fundraiser - Prince of Wolves
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:29:00 am »


Friends of the wood, I am pleased to announce that I, Enzo Reynolt have begun to raise funds for a temple to be constructed in honor of The Longstrider, Folian S’pae.

I will be conducting a raffle to gather the needed funds to have this temple constructed.

Myself and others have donated many fine, high quality items to be raffled off.

[big]100 chances will be sold. Any one person can buy up to 5 chances.

Each chance will cost 2,000 coins.[/big]

Here are just a few of  the feature  items you can win:

[big]Yew Compound Longbow – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Mahogany Compound Longbow - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Bow of Close Range - Made by Enzo Reynolt

+3 Padded Armor – Donated by Maddison Trenton

Scroll of Etheral Visage, and Mass Haste (1 of each) – Donated by Brac’ar Fireface

Shoes of the Swift – Made by Enzo Reynolt

Archers Edge belt - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Iron Rapier (d6 Fire) – Donated by Enzo Reynolt

Iron Rapier (d6 Elec) – Donated by Enzo Reynolt

Iron Shortsword (d6 Cold) – Donated by Enzo Reynolt

A pair of Exceptional Fury gloves - Made by Enzo Reynolt

Adamantium Half Plate Armor - Donated by Maddison Trenton

3 Raise Dead Scrolls - Made and Donated by Plenarius Ashaley

Adamantium Halberd - Donated by Triba

Adamantium Scimitar w/ d6 Cold - Donated by Rhizome

Plus many more items !!!!! [/big]

**The value of just the items listed above is OVER 300,000 coin! Don't miss out on this chance to get a fine crafted unique item, and at the same time help the forces of good to strengthen and unite for the upcoming war with blood.**

When all donations are in if I am not already at 100 items I will be adding things so that each and every number drawn wins something!!!

** I am still accepting donated items as well. If you wish to donate something please contact me as soon as possible so that I can get your item(s) added to the list. **

Enzo Reynolt

2nd Lieutenant of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps[/b]

Guardian 452

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 06:29:00 am »


2,000 coin per ticket. Maximum of 5 Tickets per person.

Let me know what numbers you want. I will mark you down as reserving that number. Once I recieve your coin the number is yours.

//I will be taking time each day at around 9 PM CST (7PM PST, 10 PM EST, 3AM GMT) to take peoples ticket money in game. I will also try and meet people durring the day as best I can.

(R) = Reserved
(P) = Paid

1. Albert (Tathnolu) - (R)
2. Gulnyr (P)   
3. Aralin Harenya (P)   
4. Ellendil (P)   
5. Elinmire (P)   
6. Quintayne Rosewyne (R)   
7. Katrien Hommel (R)
8. Lalaith Va'lash (P)   
9. Synal'dur (P)   
10. Duur (P)
11. Cole Etinfall (P)   
12. Lalaith Va'lash (P)      
13. Triba  (P)
14. Mong Milkino (P)   
15. Elinmire (P)
16. Sando Aseph (P)     
17. Talan Va'lash (P)   
18. Maddison Trenton (P)
19. Kobal Bluntaxe (P)   
20. Rurik Kessel (P)   
21. Kobal Bluntaxe (P)   
22. Aralin Harenya (P)
23. Rurik Kessel (P)       
24. Athus (P)   
25. Bimpo Loopzig (P)
26. Elinmire (P)
27. Synal'dur (P)   
28. Talan Va'lash (P)   
29. Katrien Hommel (R)   
30. Ahndar Sussail (P)   
31. Ahndar Sussail (P)
32. Ahndar Sussail (P)   
33. Ahndar Sussail (P)   
34. Ahndar Sussail (P)   
35. Rurik Kessel (P)       
36. Ellendil (P)
37. Quintayne Rosewyne (R)   
38. Rurik Kessel (P)       
39. Kobal Bluntaxe (P)   
40. Athus (P)   
41. Aralin Harenya (P)   
42. Sago Spellfinder (P)
43. Ender Sai (P)   
44. Ender Sai (P)   
45. Maddison Trenton (P)   
46. Maddison Trenton (P)   
47. Maddison Trenton (P)   
48. Maddison Trenton (P)   
49. Albert (Tathnolu) - (R)
50. Albert (Tathnolu)  - (R)
51. Albert (Tathnolu)  - (R)
52. Ender Sai (P)     
53. Ender Sai (P)   
54. Ender Sai (P)   
55. Cole Etinfall (P)   
56. Cole Etinfall (P)   
57. Cole Etinfall (P)   
58. Mong Milkino (P)   
59. Lalaith Va'lash (P)      
60. Kasha Rosewyne (R)   
61. Gorfind Je´rein (R)   
62. Gorfind Je´rein (R)   
63. Ellendil (P)   
64. Brac'ar (R)   
65. Cahlan'ar (P)   
66. Ellendil (P)   
67. Rurik Kessel (P)       
68. Marainna (P)   
69. Synal'dur (P)   
70. Athus (P)   
71. Gorfind Je´rein (R)
72. Gorfind Je´rein (R)
73. Gorfind Je´rein (R)   
74. Elinmire (P)
75. Revnetage (R)   
76. Sando Aseph (P)   
77. Amelia Sunray (P)
78. Kasha Rosewyne (R)   
79. Kobal Bluntaxe (P)   
80. Brok (P)   
81. Brok (P)   
82. Brok (P)   
83. Brok (P)   
84. Brok (P)   
85. Synal'dur (P)   
86. Talan Va'lash (P)
87. Ellendil (P)   
88. Athus (P)   
89. Cole Etinfall (P)   
90. Liam Blackbeard (P)
91. Liam Blackbeard (P)
92. Liam Blackbeard (P)
93. Liam Blackbeard (P)   
94. Liam Blackbeard (P)   
95. Elinmire (P)   
96. Reventage (R)   
97. Kasha Rosewyne (R)   
98. Reventage (R)   
99. Synal'dur (P)  
100. Albert (Tathnolu) - (R)

//Feel free to post your ticket orders here and I will have a forum moderator clean the thread up from time to time.

Numbers are first come first serve.

[big]Raffle Rules:

1. Once all 100 spaces are sold out and I can nail down block of time to be in Layo (probably after 9PM CST) I will post the raffle date and even put it on the calendar. The drawing will probably take place inside the Hlint Courthouse. (this may change though)

2. You do not need to be present to win!!! I will hold your item(s) and contact you once the drawing is complete.

3. Before the Raffle takes place I will post EVERY raffle item here on the forum.
(I highly reccomend you print out the completed item list and save us some time on the day of the drawing.)

4. After I have the complete raffle prize list posted here, I ask that if you cannot be present to please list what items you want if your number is drawn. Your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choises etc.... in case the thing you wanted most is alread gone.

5. If you are not present and did not give me a list of choises, or if the items on your choise list are already gone... you will be given the most valuable item remaining according to the lense of pricing / and me (cause some times the lense is a bit silly).

6. If you have not paid for your tickets you will not be allowed to pick up your winnings.

// any further questions please PM me.


Guardian 452

« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2005, 11:23:00 pm »

*Enzo walks up to the poster in the Wild Surge Inn and adds this list below the other*

*He walks out grinning as people flock to the list and start talking about the items on it*



Yew Compound Longbow
Mahogany Compound Longbow
Oak Compound Longbow
Bow of Close Range (+1 attack & Point Blank Shot)
Yew Longbow
Yew Shortbow
Yew Light Crossbow
Yew Heavy Crossbow
Mahogany Longbow
Mahogany Shortbow
Mahogany Heavy Crossbow
Oak Longbow of the Hunter
Oak Shortbow of the Hunter


Adamantium Half Plate
Hill Hound Leather Armor (+1 AC, +1 CON, +3 Discipline)
Rogue Leather Armor
Mage Armor
Monk’s Armor
Dire Wolf Leather Armor
Dire Wolf Hide Armor
Leather of the Ogre (CHA - 2, AC +2, On Hit Stinking Cloud Level 2)
+3 Padded Armor
Studded Lion Leather
Studded Crag Leather
Polar Leather Armor
Grizzly Leather Armor
Panther Leather Armor
Iron Scale Mail
Iron Half Plate
Iron Full Plate
Platinum reinforced clothing
Iron Reinforced clothing
Lesser Monks Armor
Lesser Rogues Armor
Set of 3 Robes, Acid, Fire, Lightning


Adamantium Scimitar w/ d6 Cold
Yew Quarterstaff
Adamantium Halberd
Iron Rapier w/ d6 Electric
Iron Rapier w/ d6 Fire
Iron Short Sword w/ d6 Cold
Mahogany Quarterstaff
Iron Morningstar  w/ 2 Electric
Oak Quarterstaff
Bronze Longsword w/ Holy Eye Candy
Bronze Bastard Sword

[big]CAPES, BOOTS, GLOVES, HELMETS, SHIELDS etc…[/big][/red]

Horns of the Stalker (+4 Spot & Listen Usable by Rangers only) Only one in Layo!!

Exceptional Fury Gloves

Shoes of the Swift (Dodge, +4 Tumble, +2 Saving Throw Reflex)
Archers Edge Belt (+1 AC Deflection, Entropic Shield (5) 1/day )

Cloak of Mysteries (-4 Listen, -4 Spot, +8 Bluff, +6 Hide, Camouflage (5) 1/day)
Belt of the Tiger (+2 Perform)

4 pair of +3 gloves (Appraisal, Concentration, Spellcraft, Swordplay)

Lesser Boots of Tumbling (+4 Tumble)
Boots of the Arachnea (Immune to Web)

Iron Tower Shield
Adamantium Heater Shield

Cape of the Panther (+3 Hide & Move Silent)
Belt of Cunning (x2)

Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power (x2) (+1 STR)

Fury Gloves (x6)

[big]EVERYTHING ELSE [/big][/red]

Cougar Bag filled with [big]96[/big] Scrolls   
Scroll Mass Haste
Scroll Etheral Visage      
Scrolls Hold Person & Dominate Person
Compound Bow Parts III   
5 Wands ------ (2 Lightning bolt, 1 Melfs Acid arrow, 1 Neutralize poison, 1 Camouflage)
Mineral Diamonds (7 of to give away)
2 Mineral Fire Opals
8 Save boosting rings (7 are Exceptionals) In a Cougar Bag
Scroll Raise Dead (x3)   
Box of Arrows and Bullets (6 quivers of oak arrows and 99 Bronze Bullets) In a Cougar bag
80 Silver Tipped Yew Raven Tailed Arrows (1d8 blunt + 2d8 vs. Undead & shapechange) ** these bad boys are lvl 19 **
d4 Fire Weapon Enchant Rod   
d4 Electric Weapon Enchant Rod (x2)
Lion Bag (x4)
6 Ingots of [yellow]GOLD[/yellow] In a Cougar Bag
10 Branches of Mahogany
Mineral Emerald[/green]


***** If you see [big](x#)[/big] behind an item that means their are multiple ones to give away.... You don't win them all.  ;)

Please if you cannot attend the raffle (which will probably be early next week. I havnt set a date yet) post here or give me a PM with a list of choises you want when your number is drawn.

Those who plan on attending the raffle please please please print out this list and follow along as things are given away... it will help the event go allot faster! Thanks!!

Guardian 452

Raffle Drawing Date is SET !!
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2005, 08:29:00 am »

[big]WEDNESDAY, March 16th[/big]

This event is going to take place on the Central Server in the Layonara Hotel in Pranzis.

Start time:

9PM CST (my time)

For those of you who cannot make it to Pranzis alone. Enzo will be gathering people up in HLINT starting at about an half hour before the drawing starts. He will then guide all who show up and get them to Pranzis.

If your late and the group has already went to Central server your going to need to find your own way to get there.

I am using Central Server for one reason it crashes less often!!! I don't want the headache of crashing over and over half way thru the drawing!

I am sorry for the late hour for the GMT crowd..... but I simply cannnot commit a large uninterupted block of time to Layonara at any other time of day.

and questions PM me!



Guardian 452

« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 11:07:00 am »
*Enzo goes back and adds to the Prize list*

3 more Mineral Diamonds!


1 [big]MINERAL EMERALD!!![/big][/green]

Thanks to [big]Ellendil Ar-Calmacilone[/big] of Folian's own for donating these!!

Guardian 452

Prize Winners
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2005, 12:50:00 pm »

[big]*Enzo sticks this poster over top of the old raffle poster*[/big]

Ahndar Sussail - Oak Shortbow of the Hunter, Panther Leather Armor, Bronze Longsword w/ Holy Eye Candy, 4 pair of +3 gloves, Mineral Diamond

Albert (Tathnolu) - Platinum reinforced clothing, Belt of the Tiger, Fury Gloves (x2), Scroll Mass Haste

Amelia Sunray - Mahogany Heavy Crossbow,

Aralin Harenya - Mahogany Longbow, Adamantium Half Plate, Iron Half Plate,

Athus - Dire Wolf Leather Armor, Iron Reinforced clothing, Mahogany Quarterstaff, Lesser Boots of Tumbling  

Bimpo Loopzig - Lion Bag

Brac'ar - Yew Shortbow,
Brok - Iron Full Plate, Bronze Bastard Sword, Adamantium Heater Shield, Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Mineral Diamond,

Ceala (Cahlan'ar) - 8 Save boosting rings in Cougar bag

Cole Etinfall - Mahogany Compound Longbow, Horns of the Stalker, Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power,  Mineral Diamond, Lion Bag
Duur - Mineral Diamond

Elinmire - Yew Longbow, Dire Wolf Hide Armor, Leather of the Ogre, Cougar Bag filled with 96 Scrolls, Lion Bag  

Ellendil - Oak Compound Longbow, Adamantium Scimitar w/ d6 Cold, Adamantium Halberd, Iron Rapier w/ d6 Electric, Iron Rapier w/ d6 Fire - Ellendil,  
Ender Sai - Yew Compound Longbow, Adamantium Great sword (late donation), Archers Edge Belt, Mineral Diamond (x2),
Gorfind Je´rein - Mage Armor, Monk’s Armor, Exceptional Fury Gloves, Fury Gloves, Scroll Etheral Visage

Gulnyr - Fury Gloves

Kasha Rosewyne - Scroll Raise Dead, d4 Electric Weapon Enchant Rod (x2)

Katrien Hommel - Mahogany Shortbow, 2 Mineral Fire Opals
Kobal Bluntaxe - Shoes of the Swift, Cloak of Mysteries, Iron Tower Shield, 80 Silver Tipped Yew Raven Tailed Arrows,  

Lalaith Va'lash - Boots of the Arachnea, Cougar bag of Arrows and Bullets, Mineral Emerald[/green]  

Liam Blackbeard - Rogue Leather Armor, +3 Padded Armor, Lesser Monks Armor, Iron Short Sword w/ d6 Cold, Mineral Diamond,  
Maddison Trenton - Bow of Close Range, Lesser Rogues Armor, Yew Quarterstaff, Belt of Cunning, Fury Gloves
Marainna - Iron Morningstar  w/ 2 Electric

Mong Milkino - Fury Gloves, d4 Fire Weapon Enchant Rod,
Quintayne Rosewyne - Scroll Raise Dead (x2)
Reventage - Belt of Cunning, Lion Bag, 6 Ingots of GOLD In a Cougar Bag  
Rurik Kessel - Oak Longbow of the Hunter, Studded Lion Leather, Polar Leather Armor, Set of 3 Robes, Acid, Fire, Lightning, Oak Quarterstaff
Sago Spellfinder - Grizzly Leather Armor

Sando Aseph - Yew Light Crossbow, Yew Heavy Crossbow

Synal'dur - Hill Hound Leather Armor, Studded Crag Leather, Iron Scale Mail, 5 Wands, 10 Branches of Mahogany
Talan Va'lash - Cape of the Panther, Scrolls Hold Person & Dominate Person, Compound Bow Parts III,  

Triba - Adamantium War Hammer (late donation)  

Contact me to arrange dropping off or picking up your prize winnings. Let me know what time works for you.

Remember I cannot hand you your prizes untill your tickets are paid for. So bring your ticket money when you come to get your stuff.

Enzo Reynolt


Guardian 452

RE: Temple Fundraiser - Prince of Wolves
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2005, 01:02:00 pm »




// Drop me a PM letting me know what time works for you. Best for me is 9PM CST thru 2AM CST.




Guardian 452

RE: Temple Fundraiser - Prince of Wolves
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2005, 10:20:00 pm »

*this note is plastered over top of the old posters*[/big]

[big]The temple has been completed. Those who answer the call of the wood seek out The Longstriders temple deep in the Forest of Mists on Dregar.

Thank you to all who helped make this possible, all who donated items, time, coin. and all who purchased items at the raffle.

May the Longstrider watch over and protect you always.

Enzo Reynolt

2nd Lieutenant of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps


