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Author Topic: *posted at Fort Llast and Pranzis, on Toran's temple walls*  (Read 144 times)


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Brothers and sisters, i'd like to know who was chosen to be Toran's Church representative, for the Congregation of the Faithful draws near.

 If no representative was chosen i suggest we hold a meeting to select one, even if temporary.

 May Toran watch over us all.

 *signed with silvery ink and an ankh next to the signature*



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    RE: *posted at Fort Llast and Pranzis, on Toran's temple walls*
    « Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 02:53:00 am »
    *tacked underneath*

    I have read about this meeting and I do not support it.  I do not neet any man or woman unfriendly to Toran before this meeting to pretend to know what I should be doing to save my faith.  

    In addition,  No set of rules for a meeting will come before my sworn duty as a paladin.  If I am in a room with a disciple of Corath,  I will only leave unless justice is served or I meet Toran himself in my death.  In the worst case,  ill ask Toran myself if my faith is strong enough.

    -Slate Cranton


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    RE: *posted at Fort Llast and Pranzis, on Toran's temple walls*
    « Reply #2 on: June 01, 2005, 02:59:00 am »
    *posted below*

     Your decision is wise and i would fully agree with you, but alas the enemy we face cares not for whose side people are, and even the foul followers of Corath are a target for him.

     The time of unity is now, and everyone must work together if we are to stand. Like it was stated before, religion must be put aside.



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      RE: *posted at Fort Llast and Pranzis, on Toran's temple walls*
      « Reply #3 on: June 01, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
      Hello All,
      I Trenton Wetteel will be the Representative, but we need another. After the meeting in a few days. We all will get togather to talk about the meeting. I do also agree with you Slate, but we need to keep the order of the land.
      Trenton Wetteel

      // the other representative (I was thinking)should be from the another time zone. I am -7 Gmt