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Author Topic: A Notice  (Read 163 times)


A Notice
« on: May 03, 2005, 12:25:00 am »
*A small notice is posted in the section for information from the local courthouse*

Authorities in Point Harbour today announced the capture of the notorious criminal Dirk Driss. Authorities caught Dirk, AKA The Black Blade after a chase through the docks district that lasted several hours and saw several people of the town wounded and one port official fatally wounded.
Local Milita Captain Darren Islange was quoted as saying "This man is wanted in relation to several murders across Rilara including several Milita and army officers. He is a blade for hire that we have finally cornered and captured."

Officials say Dirk Driss will be held in the local jail until an escort can arrive from Karthy where the trial will be held in several weeks time.


RE: A Notice
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
*a further post added*

Authorities in Point Harbour today finally annouced to the public that Dirk Driss had in fact escaped from prison.

Local residents were startled awake in the early hours of the morning as the local jailhouse caught fire and emergency firefighters raced to the scene. Militia were also dispatched to the scene considering the dangerous nature of the criminal within.

Reports indicate that Dirk Driss aka the Black Blade escaped from his cell, murdered all four guards in the building at the time, lit the fire, then escaped through the city while authorities battled the potentially devastating fire.

While the fire was contained with minimal damages local authorities are now pointing fingers at each other for responsibility in the matter. Especially since two more milita were found with their throats slashed while on duty guarding a service gate leading from the city into the countryside. What was most disturbing was the body of a merchant found outside the service gate having received multiple stab wounds. A local healer commented that the stab wounds and slash wounds were done with "great force and an extremely sharp blade and effectively destroyed every organ in the mans chest and abdomen."

Conflicting reports from local residents suggest that Dirk excaped the town through this gate while unconfirmed reports place him in the docks district as well. Authorities believe he has fled in the countryside but are investigating the rumours that he was seen in the docks area.

Local Militia captain Darren Islange had this to say at the end of the interview "We mourn for those lost in the line of duty this night, but it has given us greater motivation to find this fiend and bring an end to his blatant murders. We will find him and when we do it will be the hangmans noose for him."


RE: A Notice
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 01:13:00 am »
*yet another notice on the same subject*

Authorities in Point Harbour have confirmed Dirk Driss was sighted boarding a ship heading for Port Hampshire in Mistone. Unfortunately the information was not revealed until the morning after the ship had sailed. Militia commandered a local cutter to pursue the ship however it was forced to turn back after weather picked up and threatened to overturn the small vessel. With weather conditions likely to worsen over the next few days and become extreme as is predicted authorities feel that should the ship survive the storm it will reach Port Hampshire long before they are able to pursue.

Local Militia Captain Darren Islange has admited they have requested aid from a local Lucindite Mage to magically contact one of his brethren currently residing in Port Hampshire to warn authorities there of what is occuring. More news as it comes to light.


RE: A Notice
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
* smaller notice tacked below the rest*

Port Hampshire dock authorities relayed information that the ship supposedly carrying Dirk Driss the escaped murderer from Point Harbour was sighted drifting near the Dragon Isles closest to Ceasin.
The captain of The Searider who caught sight of the vessal through a looking glass claimed there appeared to be no sign of life aboard and the vessel was badly damaged obviously after the storms that have lashed the area for the last week.
Authorities are currently discussing whether they will send a search party. The captain of the Searider commented that the ship would have been smashed to pieces before getting anywhere near shore due to the reefs, currents and rocks that plague the area.  Anyone on board was likely dead or fled the ship during the storm.
It seems the story of Dirk Driss will end here.


RE: A Notice
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
*A notice in another hand is tacked up along with the rest*

Port Hampshire authorities have confirmed that this morning they dispatched a search and rescue ship under the command of Captain Reschiman to investigate claims that a fishing vessel travelling close to the cliff lined coast below the Battle Fens swamps between Fort Velensk and Port Hampshire sighted a badly damaged wreck upon the shore.
What has given authorities cause for alarm is that the ship matches the description of the ‘Coastal Queen’ the ship upon which Dirk Driss escaped from Point harbour and which was reportedly beached near the island of Ceasin after the severe storms recently.
The owner of the fishing vessel has told us that he swore he saw a fire on the beach but as it was approaching nightfall was not willing to risk his ship on the dangerous shoals to approach the shore in darkness. ‘It is a barren and godforsaken strip of beach where it is’ stated the fishing vessel owner.

Captain Hoffman, head of the Port Hampshire Militia believes we will have word of Dirk Driss’s fate once and for all within a few days.


RE: A Notice
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2005, 09:47:00 pm »
*yet another addition to the notice board on the courthouse in Hlint*

Recently several Bounty hunter groups including one made up of heroes out of Hlint tried to track down the mysterious Dirk Driss.
Sources say that they encounted unexpected trouble in the swamps known as the battle fens. It appears that the trolls there are being driven from their haven by a new threat. Whether this is related to Dirk Driss or not time will tell.
Captain Hoffman of the Port Hamshire Militia has indicated the swamps have become his cheif concern at the moment, especially considering several of his militia patrolling the edges of the swamp have disappeared. Too date only one of them has been found just inside the swamp completely eviscerated.
Is this the work of Driss? or is it the work of something else?
This reporter won't rest until the full story is revealed!