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Author Topic: The Black Stone *found on various tables in the tavern*  (Read 58 times)


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    The Black Stone *found on various tables in the tavern*
    « on: October 10, 2006, 07:16:37 pm »
    It must be brought to the attention of the villagers of Hlint the event which took place late last afternoon. And who better to do it than myself? Skeletons emerged from the graveyard just as I was showing my royal pack ox to the townspeople. I bravely stepped in and single-handedly defeated these awful beasts. You should have seen the townspeople cheering for me! Then some bookworms joined me and started digging through the grave from which the skeletons emerged. Lo and behold, a black stone was found! Then something strange happened to me, and I haven't quite recovered since. I had to have it. *the writing becomes more scrawled, as if written carelessly* I don't know what came over me, but I grabbed it and ran out the town. Such a valuable beauty it was. I was chased and forced to give up the stone, where it finally dawned on me that it was evil. I fell over in a heap of exhaustion, and shortly later, the stone disintegrated. The townspeople chasing me seem to feel that it was the work of an evil necromancer.

    YET WHY CAN'T I GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD? I must not be feeling well, but a part of me still wants it. So valuable, so precious it was.

    *the signature is written so badly that only the letters M,A,L, and Y are at all visible*


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    Re: The Black Stone *found on various tables in the tavern*
    « Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 06:44:00 pm »
    *J'ser adds his script to the note*
    A second time this has happened. The stone was put in a box and carried to rangers vale. I do not know what happened to it.