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Author Topic: The Dwarven Address  (Read 77 times)


The Dwarven Address
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:02:00 pm »
Dwarves, there is an unmistakable evil dwelling all across the fair world of Layonara. The others have failed at stopping it, so forcefully does He wreak havoc that all fall before the terrof of His mighty war machine.  Bloodstone runs rampant throughout the lands, persecuting and destroying, elsnaving and terrorizing all peoples that fall under his grasp. The humans, though glorious and valiant, are fast destroyed as they quarrel and bicker amongst themselves, as is in their nature. They fight with honor, but so divided as they are, they fall like stones rolling down a mountainside to the overwhelming might that is Blood's fury. What of the elves, then, I hear you ask. As any dwarf is loathe to admit, they fight just as valiantly as the men, but fall without the discipline and order needed to wage war, and they lack the manpower needed to turn back the tide of battle and are swiftly overcome by the sheer onslaught.  And what of the Hinfolk? The halflings are far too gentle and loving a race to be expected to step up and fight! We cannot expect them to leap to the duties of teh warrior's life anymore than we can hope to turn brittle slate to diamond. So why should such a peacable race be forced to be enslaved by His awful might? The race of gnomes is just as powerless to stop the onslaught. Neither of these peoples are interested in waging war! What they want is to aly back and enjoy their lot in life, the halflings to their fishing and smoking, and the gnomes to their tinkering and inventing.  And so it is left to us, the noble dwarven peoples, the peoples of stone and metal, those who have dug into mountains and waited terrible war, terrible sieges, time and time again to emerge triumphant, it is us who must be prepared to fight back the brutal tyranny of the unjust Bloodstone, and beat him back into the hells for another thousand years.  It is time to forsake duties to clan and line, to shrug off menial differences and unite under one common banner. It is in the power of each and every dwarf to do his part in the field, on the hill, in the desert, among the forests. It is in the power of the dwarves, to counter this terible bastion of evil, and emerge triumphant. It is in the power of the dwarves that victory can be sought and found! So I beseech you, dwarves of all the lands! I beseech you to forswear differences and join the fight for freedom. Sound the horns, beat low the toms of war! With all dwarves united, victory for the Free Peoples of Layonara shall be at hand!  Let us fight then, fo rhte fate of all the world depends on us. Set into your true duties as dwarves and fight, brethren! Fight that great fight and if the dwarven peopels shall live for a thousand thousands years after, let peoples look back and realize taht this was our finest hour.   ~Turor Sunderstone


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RE: The Dwarven Address
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 06:50:00 am »
Bah!  I hear a lot of talk, Sunderstone!  Give us a place to strike a blow, and the dwarves are a fearsome hammer.  But without the guiding arm, the hammer is useless.  I refuse to believe that there is no place to apply dwarven might and skill to thwart the enemies of all we hold dear, yet no one has stepped forward with a plan of action.  Something should be done immediately, yet people still deliberate, waiting for Blood to make the next move.

Gather the dwarves, if you will, but no more talk!  Any action is better than waiting for calamnity to befall us.  Mark a spot, and let us bring the hammer to bear.


RE: The Dwarven Address
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2005, 03:38:00 pm »
//Oh Leanthar... How's about you set up a big ole' dwarven event where we beat back Blood and win the war and kill Blood and Turor eats his heart and...

Okay, well, let's start with something you cook up for le dwarfs that are now all riled and nasty looking. :)

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RE: The Dwarven Address
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
Gives a passing glance to the notice upon the wall. then carries on to purchase some more stew and rations. While counting out the coin to pay for the edibles, a few thoughts pass through and speculation comes to light.

Upon a piece of parchment written in strange. Patterns and designs flow as easy as the written word.

To whom it may concern, think that what you wish of the gnomes. We are clansmen as well the many of us, and weapon you break your favorite axe or want that untested device that you want built. It will be us gnomes that build it on your behalf. We gnomes tinker with purpose, and attempt the impossible.
To defeat Bloodstone and his warmachine requires to impossible to become possible. We only need to build our own war machine, untested it will be, but only the gnomes that you now insult, can build it.

Do not burn your bridges or you will end up standing alone on the battlefield.

Azaria of Clan Ironwood


RE: The Dwarven Address
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
*In the deepest hours of the night, when a heavy fog from Hlint Pond lingers about the Surge, a massive hooded figure lithely steps forth from the shadows and stands for a moment before the posted transcript of the dwarf’s address.  A barely discernable laugh is heard from beneath the dark hood, and then a gruff voice, even fainter, utters words in alien tongue, that of the Drow:*

Pathetic fool of a dwarf!  Your quarry has already been marked by another.  Yet I shall use your strength, and that of your people for my own designs in all of this.  But at the end of it all, Blood will be mine.

*Then the massive figure disappears with a fleetness that would have startled any onlooker.*