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Author Topic: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl  (Read 231 times)


Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« on: March 01, 2007, 04:02:52 am »
// Variations of the following notice, written in a bold, untidy, but quite legible hand appear in various places in the Fort Vehl docks area:  [SIZE=+2]SHUN THE "DRAGONCALLED"[/SIZE]  Famine.  Disease.  Bitter cold.  This is the legacy that these so-called "heroes" have left behind them in their war against Bloodstone.  Maybe he was as bad as they say (though history is written by the winners, as the saying goes), but are the "Dragoncalled" any better?  How many thousands of average, everyday people have died as a result of their actions?  How dare they not renounce their ties to dragons, when the return of the dragons are a big part of the problem?  Instead of showing any shame or remorse, many of them lead lives of opulence, living in their fancy houses, playing the part of merchant kings.  Shun them.  Have no dealings with them.  Neither buy nor sell from any of them.  Spit on the ground that they walk on.  For they have brought this curse upon us all.


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RE: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 06:23:53 am »
*the following is written with a practiced hand, though strained for speed and outrage*

Sign your misinformation fool, that I may know who I counterargue.  You choose to state that the current state of the world is a result.  I was there at the Bloodwell.  The cold, the dark, the hunger is paradise compared to what Bloodstone would have had this world become.  This age will end as the soot and dust in the skies returns to the ground.  There is hope to live for.  Bloodstone's reign, should he have managed to gain enough of a stranglehold to take command of the world entire would have been that much harder to bring to a downfall.  Until you venture to the islands formerly of the kingdom known as Roldem, hold your pen stilled.  For there is a place truly touched by Blood's wrath, and wrested from it.  One may say that you live comfortably by comparison on the lands of Mistone.  Make yourself known and I shall escort you personally.

Many lives were lost in the struggle that you might live to speak in such a way about those who fell.  All I might do is shake my head in sadness that the ignorance is so great of what events truly came to pass, obscured by the time that has gone by.

I have been spoken of as among the "Dragoncalled," but my acts were following a higher path than mere summons.  I did what I felt, nay, believed right.  If this world is dark and cold and hungry, it is that much further from the endless misery that Sinthar Bloodstone would have you live.  Curse indeed.  You have been saved from far worse.

Yardislan Echron


Re: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 08:02:38 am »
*Sallaron frowns at the poster, and seems about to rip it down, but leaves it alone, mumbling angrily to those stood around him*

If we'd let Blood have his would have been executed for writing that....if of course you had survived his occupation at all!
Ain't it bloody great when the freedom so many fought and died for, can be so easily thrown back in their face.


Re: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 10:12:49 pm »
*Kyle grits his teeth at the poster and adds his own message to the others posted*[/b]

And where were you while us 'Dragoncalled' were fighting and dying for the very life you hold so dear? Probably having your diaper changed. While you were still being nursed by your mother...some very close friends of mine have died in the war with Bloodstone. Indeed...I know of a few former residents of the Town of Stone who would laugh at such ignorant drivel such as yours. So crawl back to where ever it is you came from...and be thankful that you even have a place to crawl back to.

And for your information...I and my family do not live in opulence as you put it. Your very comments shows ignorance and the fact that you do not wish to be known shows your cowardice. not afraid to post my name...Kyle Pandorn


RE: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 11:06:38 pm »
I and my wife have shed blood to defend the once beautiful city of Pranzis. The blood of the defenders tainted the stones that you probably walked, as we poured our heart and live, to save the people from the joug of Bloodstone. and I have seen my own wife fall into that battle. You words are words of ignorance, your denial to make yourself known, show that you are indead as weak minded as you are weak willed, affraid to show who we should go to, to make you see what we have done for the people of these lands.
  We Dragon called, were summon to battle and preserve what was still standing and to bring hope to the people that were affraid, much like you are, of the uncertainties that were threatning every inch of all the continents.
  It is unfortunate that in our attempt to preserve the life of millions that wouldhave suffered worse faith than what you see all around, the sky was darkened by the last wrath of this demon that was called Bloodstone.
  Before you place false accusation, speak to us, learn from the history, go roam the lands that has been razed by the forces of bloodstone.
  Rain Darsus.


Re: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2007, 10:07:59 am »
*Stygian walks by the notice, pauses, and chuckles after reading it*

He wonders to himself, "Does anyone in Fort V really give a rat's arse??"



Re: Posted near the docks in Fort Vehl
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2007, 10:25:08 am »
You're all barmy.


