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Author Topic: The People's Assembly  (Read 65 times)


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The People's Assembly
« on: September 02, 2005, 06:32:00 pm »
*tacked to the wall of all Inns and temples across Mistone, Dregar, Roldem and Voltrex*

   Bloods forces have landed upon the shores of Mistone or nearby and The Sisters and other guides have done what the can. Now leadership and choice is turned to the people themselves.  Yet upon discusion it is found there are truly no leaders in the coming struggle at all and many do not even understand the threat that faces the world of Layonara.

   The few propose a gathering, what will be decided here left to the people themselves. Some suggest leadship, new guides to replace the old that were lost, others may wish to simply draw upon the resource of what others know.  

  A meeting for all to prepare for the dark days that come.

//again I in no way claim ownership of this, it was decided upon be the party that felt bloods landing. I am simply posting it.


RE: The People's Assembly
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 08:15:00 pm »
Turor reads the note, and the pipe nearly falls out of his mouth, his jaw dropping agape and his eyes widening.

"Dis... Dis ain' roight... Blood be coomin', lads an' lassies! Fah! Dwarfs be needin' ter ban' tergedder sooner den when ah 'spected!"

A note is tacked to the bottom of the important notice:

'Dwarves, the meeting scheduled for the distant future must be held as soon as is possible. The times have become troubled, and those of Mistone are now threatened. We must rise and fight Blood straight off of this continent, and then cleanse Rilara of his purge, also. We will hold the dwarven Battalion meeting in my house as before mentioned, only now, it will be held within the week!

Dorand help us all.

Turor Sunderstone'