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Author Topic: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose  (Read 526 times)


RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2005, 01:07:00 pm »
A word of warning.

This dragonbone golem from the Great Rift is a very dangerous enemy. It is resistant to most physical and magical attacks. Gathering a huge group of people is something I don't suggest... endangering far too many lives.

A group of only a few people can defeat the golem though, but you're going to need great blessings of the gods themselves to do so.

So I'm suggesting a small party with people who can strike at it with divine might. Gathering a huge group will only lead to slaughter I'm afraid.

Also the creature seems to come back after it is defeated anyway. I know it has been defeated a number of times already but each time it came back after some time. So this time it will probably be no different I'm afraid.
So if you want to rid the world of this beast permanently, the way is probably not fighting it directly... but more like who created it.

I hope you take my advice seriously as it's from someone who has fought the beast before.

-Remiel Delmir


RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2005, 02:03:00 pm »
Brac'ar passes the note and reads it, absentmindedly patting the wound in his leg, muttering "I wonder..."

Dorax Windsmith

RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2005, 02:06:00 pm »
*quickly scribbles a reply*

Sound words from a wise and experienced adventurer, maybe we should consider finding the true source of this menace and focus our efforts there.


RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2005, 07:45:00 pm »
*Twixel passes by and reads posted note and runs out speaking loudly in gnomish*

No no, not again.... must find the masters. Where is master Rhizome and Master Plenarius?
If this is Milara's pet they will know, nasty bone dragon.....ahhh.



RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
Corsan reads the note...somberly shaking his head.

'First Bloodstone and friends make an appearance, and now this...' He writes his reply.

'Remiel Delmir is right...a Bone Golem Dragon is not something to be taken lightly. We need to defeat its master to defeat it. I shall lend my sword such as it is...'


To War
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2005, 09:00:00 pm »
*Ael walks up and carefully reads the posted messages, then with focused urgency, writes out attaches a note written in his usual script, flowingly graceful, yet austere calligraphy*

I agree with Remiel that we should carefully plan as best we can prior to acting on this.  And I likewise agree with those whom I have heard suggesting this Dragon Golem is a diversion.  

Some, but not all of,  the fundamental things we should be considering are the primary threats we face; and what assets of ours, specifically, are at greatest risk, given those threats.  We should be rigorously scouting the enemy’s positions and movements around the clock, every day.  The fewer surprises we have to deal with from here on out, the better.

Almost daily, most all of us are involved in some form or another of fight.  And not a single one of us would win any of our fights if we limited ourselves to parrying and blocking our enemies’ blows.  But this is what we have done so far, together as a group, against our common enemy, Blood, his lackeys, and allies.  So our scouts and spies should be ever probing the enemy for weak points.  We need to select targets they hold and start hitting them now.  We need not achieve devastating results, but if we could strike some vital target, and then vanish as quickly as we appeared - it could force our enemy to proceed more slowly, in caution, thus buying us needed time.

Also, we should be thinking about how we can send false signals to the enemy - how to confuse them about everything we are doing - use the fogs of war to our advantage.

If we can pull together and start doing these things as common daily practice, only then will we begin to set ourselves up to win the decisive battles that will turn the tide in our favor.

I, for one, will begin organizing scouts.  I call to Jacchri to contact me on this, along with anyone else who is interested in such endeavors.

We need a general, or generals, along with a clear command structure that all of us follow without hesitation or delay.   To this end, I respectfully nominate the holy warrior, Remiel, as our lead general.  He has distinguished himself in the campaign against the orcish hordes, and I know this from having served under him.  I am sure there are many others who could vouch for this man and his suitability for high command.

The All-Seeing Lord Protector, Rofirein, in his infinite wisdom, has summoned many, if not all, of you to these lands for some mysterious purpose.  I strongly believe that the time has come in which that purpose will be revealed.  Each of you has the answer within you, and so you must search your hearts to find how best you can contribute to our efforts in this crucial time.  Then step forward and give all that you can....and then even more.

With Respect and Hope,

Ael Rynthien, Servant of Rofirein



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    RE: To War
    « Reply #26 on: September 02, 2005, 03:24:00 am »
    While I note the concerns of Remiel, and agree with most of them, I believe it serves a real purpose to destroy the Bone Dragon. Even if the destruction is only of a temporary nature the respite will allow for a search for and evacuation of any survivors hiding in or around Dalanthar. Further investigations into the nature of this threat can be launched at a later hour.

    One thing is clear though – we can only hope to defeat the beast if we come prepared with at least three or four high clerics, one or more powerful mage capable of lowering the spell resistance of the beast and hopefully a brave monk to divert it if need be. Frontliners need to be powerful enough to survive until the clerics have destroyed the beast.

    If we can gather such I group I believe an attempt should be made, if not it will be suicide.

    *a sign-up paper is added below* //see the player calendar.

    Servant of Mist

    //This should be a short expedition, if you cannot make the time suggest (1 pm gmt) make another suggestion below. We can delay it a few hours, but not much longer or it may conflict with Jacchri's CDQ


    RE: To War
    « Reply #27 on: September 02, 2005, 04:16:00 am »
    *see all the notes cluttering the notice board*
      *starts reading through them*
      *takes out some charcoal and a adds a note to bottom*
      To Ael
      Scouting is what I do best and would certainly be willing to help.  Please leave a message at my home to make arrangements.
      Jacchri 185 Haven


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    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #28 on: September 02, 2005, 05:24:00 am »
    *Taislin hears some rumors and goes read all the notes, and then writes his own*
      I'll join that battle, especially if Daeron is there. Ready for some missily death Daeron?


    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #29 on: September 02, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
    *looks up while spinning a bone between his fingers adding a note with quick flowing letters looking more suited for a magical text then anything*

    It bothered me, it died. But, I imagine it will return to lurking in the shadows of the Rift, if you still wish to pursue it. If you wish to know more of its nature, its habits and, what it is; contact me. – Ozymandias


    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #30 on: September 02, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
    *grumbles after about a minute tacking another note onto the sign*

    "Delanther looks fine to me, but it is Delanther. Now here is to hoping I have nothing more to say." – Ozymandias


    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #31 on: September 02, 2005, 02:44:00 pm »
    *Daren walks into the Wild Surge, looking at the noticeboard, trying to find something simple he can read and understand.  He happens upon Remiel's note and the stack of notices posted underneath it.  And although most of it makes no sense, the words "Dragon", "Delanthar", "stomp south" and "Hurm" jump out at him.  He rubs his chin as he starts to think about all of those without their homes, scared, hurting, and needing help of any kind.  He starts to think of the distance between Delanthar and the Temple of Az'atta.  

    He nods slightly as if he has made a decision and starts to flip through the rest of the notices.  He stops when he finds one with a bunch of what looks to be people's names.  Taking a piece of charcoal out of his backpack and finding a blank spot near the bottom.  He writes his name down carefully and walks out of the inn a look of grim resolve on his face.


    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #32 on: September 03, 2005, 01:22:00 am »
    Bil is helping yes he is....Bil be in Hurm yes he will


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    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #33 on: September 03, 2005, 02:20:00 am »
    I will assist you, call me when the time comes.



    RE: Dalanthar in ruins, Dragon bone golem on the loose
    « Reply #34 on: September 04, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »
    A man stomps into the Wild Surge, throwing the door open with a force great enough that no one mistakes his arrival.  Doria the hostess, usually always friendly, says nothing as he stalks his way up to the notice board.  His armor is covered with dents, a lone puncture hole in the chest his cloak torn and tattered, covered with mud from his hasty travel back to Mistone.  He pulls a bony looking dragon claw and a small piece of parchment out of a pouch hanging from his belt.  He regards it carefully for a few moments.  Dried blood, his blood, covers the tip of the claw.  With a barely audible sigh, he reads his note one last time, just to make sure it says everything it needs to.  He nods slightly, a look of grim satisfaction on his round face.  With one huge stroke with the flat of his axe, he nails this small note up, hanging by the claw of the Dragon Bone Golem.