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Author Topic: to whom it may concern  (Read 209 times)


to whom it may concern
« on: January 02, 2006, 07:57:00 pm »
Written in large letters on the door of the Inn

If you are missing a horse, and are in Hlint, and I was nearby... I'll give ya a hint.

look behind things.  And don't leave them around anymore where others may... move them



RE: to whom it may concern
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2006, 08:26:00 pm »
*walks up to the door*
hmm, at least this will keep them on thier toes!!!

*writes in very tiny, almost inelligable letters*
horse is replaced, but you should not leave it where someone may decide to bring it to places that it would die, if they were unknowing that it was actually SOMEONES!!!

//to people with the animal empathy feat: we can control the horses, I reported it as a bug in the bug report area. It doesn't sound like it'll be fixed soon, so we should just leave them alone *pouts* I wanted to free them, but nooo *just kidding* So ya'll... don't put your horses out where others can wander up and slaughter, maim, or remove them.  I wanted to hide it behind the building for a lesson to everyone... but decided it would be nicest not to.  consider it being nice
I was waiting for the peson to come back, so I could laugh my fool head off at them when they wandered around looking for it!!! woulda been hilarious!


RE: to whom it may concern
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 05:51:00 am »
// As a reminder, it is against the rules to lure or drag oxen or horses to a location that they might be killed.  I believe this is called griefing and the GMs will punish offenders for such actions.  So if you feel it your duty to "free" or "move" peoples oxen or horses then you are liable for those animals should they die.


RE: to whom it may concern
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2006, 05:59:00 am »
What Aragon said is correct, and unless you have consent of the owner of said animal (and by owner, I mean the player), kindly refrain from disturbing them, moving them or otherwise interacting with them.  Have some respect for your fellow players. 
  The Animal Empathy loophole will be closed as soon as possible...maybe even later today.


RE: to whom it may concern
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 06:18:00 am »


RE: to whom it may concern
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 08:19:00 am »
Sometimes I move Oxen...  when three or four have been left in the doorway of a crafting hall, in front of a crafting bench etc.  But always indoors where they could not be killed.

I have wanted to kill one or ten left inside the crafting hall and eat them.  You should see my boots after walking around in there.  Should get a stable boy to shovel out the crafting hall. =P

Conversely...  rieing them up by the gates in Hlint...  not a good idea.  I have saved several being attacked by:

goblins, mercs, lizardmen


