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Author Topic: *A note to Pesar Fuladi*  (Read 90 times)


*A note to Pesar Fuladi*
« on: August 09, 2005, 06:48:00 am »
* Tacked eye level to the wall, this simple parchment is penned in charcoal. *

Pesar, I would like to continue our conversation from a few days past. I believe more questions were raised than answered. Please leave me a note here so we may continue this further.

                                                                         Roland Uquhardtt
                                                       Paladin of Toran


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    RE: *A note to Pesar Fuladi*
    « Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
    *scrawled in a decidedly Elvin, yet hurried hand on the bottom of Roland's note*


    I have not forgotten.  It is good to see that you have thought on these things as well.
    I will make myself known in town when next I return from the high forest.

    May the blessings of your God guide your hand Roland.

    //on most nights 7-11PM EST when I can

