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Author Topic: Magical Sword Found  (Read 136 times)


Magical Sword Found
« on: February 22, 2007, 01:06:00 pm »
[This is a tacked note written on a well-kept piece of parchment, in an elegant hand.]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]  [SIZE=16]Magical Sword Found [/SIZE][/b]
  [SIZE=16]In the docks district of Port Hampshire, I stumbled across a longsword lying on the cobblestone road, which proved to carry powerful magical properties upon closer examination. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Contact Ameli Lihn if you think it belongs to you, and the sword will be returned upon an accurate description. I can usually be found in the town of Hlint.[/SIZE]
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]  [//You may also send me a tell, of course, and we can meet up somewhere.]


RE: Magical Sword Found
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2007, 07:52:57 pm »
Kindo - 2/22/2007  1:06 PM    [This is a tacked note written on a well-kept piece of parchment, in an elegant hand.]
  In the docks district of Port Hampshire, I stumbled across a longsword lying on the cobblestone road, which proved to carry powerful magical properties upon closer examination.
  Contact Ameli Lihn if you think it belongs to you, and the sword will be returned upon an accurate description. I can usually be found in the town of Hlint.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]   [//You may also send me a tell, of course, and we can meet up somewhere.]
 *Rips the discription of the sword from the note and adds his own to the bottom*  I believe you have my sword. While I would like to believe you "found" it and your "intentions are genuine", I can't help but know the ruse played here. We shall know your intentions soon enough. I am coming... If there is but a mark upon my weapon, I will have your head for it.   Magus Del'Mar  // OOC you rock and thank you.