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Author Topic: Sign Posted - WANTED! Gem of Divination  (Read 244 times)


Sign Posted - WANTED! Gem of Divination
« on: March 15, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
One Gem of Divination required immediately!

As many of you know there is a foul creature killing and destroying the population of Mistone. It looks like an ancient mummy, but we aren't sure what it actually is. Myself and a small contingent of people went to Spellguard and spoke with the Head of the Necromancy order at Lucinda's temple.

He couldn't offer much help until he knows what we are actually dealing with. He told us we needed a Gem of Divination. They are evidently quite rare, but if anyone has access to one, please alert either myself or the temple in Spellguard immediately.

Sago Spellfinder, Cleric of Lucinda