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Author Topic: Call for cartographers  (Read 57 times)


Call for cartographers
« on: December 04, 2007, 08:02:38 pm »
I, Arkolio de'Averlain the directionally challenged, am seeking maps of Mistone and Dregar.

I shall pay 10,000 true to the first person/s to bring to me a complete map of Mistone such as this.
[size=-2] // I'd (OOC) ideally like this to be an opportunity for a/some lower level PCs but IC'ly speaking, Ark isn't too fussy![/size]

The princely sum of 20,000 true shall be paid to the first person/s to bring me a complete map of Dregar such as this.

Please feel free to send a bird or seek me out at home in Krandor (or my home away from home, the Temple of Xeen in Katherian) if clarification of the above task is required.

Arkolio de'Averlain