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Author Topic: where to stop and shop  (Read 289 times)


RE: where to stop and shop
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2005, 07:14:00 am »
[INDENT]I always found it interesting that a town between 2 big cities (Hlint, in between Haven and hampshire) has more population and people walking around than either of them put together.
[/INDENT]Hampshire population - 49,000 Haven population - 3,300 Hlint population - 2,000
You have to RP that people in the cities, it does not mean if you dont see them they are not there. Would be a lag nightmare if you were to see the population of Haven or Hampshire.
[INDENT]The only thing I'd like to see is Hampshire have as many scripted quests as hlint'd only make sence.
[/INDENT]The reason why Hlint has more NPC quests is merely due to the fact that is where all new adventurers start and it is there to get them going. After the Hlint the NPC quests is more spread around the world and not necesarily bundled in one place.

