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Author Topic: The Avatar of Pyrtechon  (Read 69 times)


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    The Avatar of Pyrtechon
    « on: February 26, 2007, 02:11:15 am »
    *the lyrics of a recently performed song appear upon the board in the Surge, though the script is hardly legible*  There's a rare beauty in the North, And it's name is Tyrone One glance turns a city to stones, a second a nation to ruins, No city or Nation tears so cherish,  There is a beauty in the North The city is named Tyrone, there is a purple throne "And in the throne there is a jewel with a thousand eyes," Said the King to the Jester to the shadowy guy  And the Jester had purple eyes And he stole the jewel and hid it between his thighs The King raised high, so annoyed with his lies, "No more!" he said, "I am tired of your disguise!"  Yet he became lost in the Jester's eyes, For the King was into guys! And the Jester hid the jewel in a strawberry pie.  "Jester," said the King, "I am sorry for never saying how I feel." His eyes were serious, like blue cold steel.   "I love you, my friend." The deal was sealed.  And so they hugged, and hugged some more But the Jester could not sleep due to the King's snore The Jester stood up in quite a fluster With the lack of sleep he could muster  So he went to the kitchen to get the jewel To run away in the night But he realized he was a fool For the jeweled pie had taken flight  Some peasant had come late with a knife Into pie did he cut and cracked the jeweled egg To cause Dragon to catch flight  So is the story of the avatar of Pyrtechon A great Red Dragon born in a King's kitchen!

    Jearick Hgar

    Re: The Avatar of Pyrtechon
    « Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 02:43:19 am »
    Jearick looks over the Song in recognition and laughed at the begining remembering how he hadn't at first meant the song to be a tella s you go. Some Telishians would recognize the first verse. no worry though, it wa sharmless a could excersize for an aspiring bard.

