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Author Topic: To Endular Skene  (Read 348 times)


To Endular Skene
« on: November 12, 2005, 10:18:00 pm »
*a neatly scribed note is tacked to the notice boards*

To the man who would claim to be a Ranger, Endular Skene. We know what you were using that Leopard for and we are appalled that a supposed Nature Friend would put an animal in harms way such as you did.

We are watching you.


The Vakhar


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    RE: To Endular Skene
    « Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
    *Chuckles after reading the note* Good old nature police.


    RE: To Endular Skene
    « Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 03:46:00 am »
    Spugly reads not and adds

    If you not use meat please can me haves as dem tasty lepods yums yums


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      RE: To Endular Skene
      « Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 07:42:00 am »
      Leopards you say.....I could use a good leapard cloak. *laughs to himself*.  Good old nature police.


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        RE: To Endular Skene
        « Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
        *Reads notice, remembers event*

        Oh, yes. I remember that.

        I wonder if they care about the tigers too?

        Or are they just playing favorites?

        They might change their minds when leopard skin becomes fashionable again.

        //really, is it not the same as animal empathy on a Griffin to do your bidding?


        RE: To Endular Skene
        « Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 09:34:00 am »
        ShrubberyJSC - 11/30/2005  9:26 AM

        //really, is it not the same as animal empathy on a Griffin to do your bidding?

        //Yes. And that is the point. Why would a Ranger or a Druid or any supposed friend of Nature put an animal in harms way purposefully just to kill other things for them(with the exception of hunting them for food or pelts)? Also think it is humorous that we are called "Nature police". A Ranger would think similarly to us, I would think. Of course, I could be wrong... *shrugs*


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          RE: To Endular Skene
          « Reply #6 on: November 30, 2005, 09:10:00 pm »
          *writes below the note* I have travelled with Endular many times and I have never seen him capture an animals for his personal pleasure. Many times has it saved our hides. I would suggest you find someone real offenders.
          And i would also like to know what it is you think he uses it for.
          Signed Dom

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          RE: To Endular Skene
          « Reply #7 on: November 30, 2005, 09:16:00 pm »
          How could yous kills natures!  That leopard never dos anything to yous and yous just gos and shoots hims!  If nature no huts yous! then yous no hurts natures! Just runs from its if it doesent likes you...

          *mutters to self* mes wouldnt bes suprised if its hates yous nows.


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            RE: To Endular Skene
            « Reply #8 on: November 30, 2005, 10:10:00 pm »
            *examines the writting* Well, if this was alnusa, then i think you should think before you would say those things. They are true but seem to shed a wrongful light in him. We have travelled together many times. I always like having you along because your practical, and smart. Do you really believe Endular would "capture" a leopard for another reason but its skin for warmth or protection or to help us stay alive?


            RE: To Endular Skene
            « Reply #9 on: December 01, 2005, 02:02:00 pm »
            *a note reads*

            The Spotted Leopard is a rare animal and hasn't been seen attacking any passerby's. If you kill it the pelt is destroyed, it is impossible to takes it skin without destroying it ///no pelt from it///.  We, the Vakhar, were having a meeting in the Ranger's Vale and saw this man use the creature's docile behavior to get close enough to it to cast a empathy spell. Then lure it into the Sielwood for battle. This Spotted Leopard isn't extremely useful for attacking, unless it is attacking a raccoon for food, so he must have been using it as a shield. To take the hits meant for him while he gathers the loot or resources he was after.

            This is why we called him out. Of course instead of standing there and even trying to explain himself he decided to run away. I thought I even heard crying.


            -Cole Etinfall



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              RE: To Endular Skene
              « Reply #10 on: December 01, 2005, 03:26:00 pm »
              *looks at note and looks intently as though concerned* As far as I see, better that the leopard die than good Endular, people are much more important than animals. //you sound like PETA lol//.


              RE: To Endular Skene
              « Reply #11 on: December 01, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
              *reads the note...walks off muttering*

              and these are the people you want to help Luna? I say let them face Blood themselves, and die...


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                RE: To Endular Skene
                « Reply #12 on: December 01, 2005, 06:55:00 pm »
                *stands up in a seat close to the message board, hearing what was just said*  I'm sorry, good sir, that I value my friends life more than that of a spotted tot.


                RE: To Endular Skene
                « Reply #13 on: December 01, 2005, 09:43:00 pm »
                *overhears this conversation as he walks to the kitchen, being in a foul mood due to hearing of Ayla's recent death he looks at the man who responded to Cole*
                  A spotted tot......if I had not more respect for life, I would use you as a shield at this moment. You disrespect nature and it will not come to your aid. This man did not run to the leopard when he was in danger to protect his own life.....oh no....he went to fetch the leopard under false intensions and lured it away from its safe haven to a dangerous battle because he was to much of a coward to face his enemy alone.
                  So you tell your friend that if he continues to abuse and disrespect nature in such a way, that he will meet the wrath of it very soon. Now....
                  *trials off clearly very angered, turns and walk out of the inn towards the woods*


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                  RE: To Endular Skene
                  « Reply #14 on: December 01, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
                  *chases him out of the inn and yells back* Respect for nature has nothing to do with it, he needed the leopards help in a time of need...!


                  RE: To Endular Skene
                  « Reply #15 on: December 01, 2005, 11:05:00 pm »
                  *stops when he hears him yell, turns and faces him with eyes glaring with anger*
                    I will say this only once, so listen careful if you can.
                    You or one of your friends touch that leopard again and I swear I will kill you and feed your remains to that leopard. Do you understand me!
                    If you cant face your enemies alone like a brave man, then dont go and pick a fight you cant win. That leopard is not your personal bodyguard.
                    LEAVE HIM ALONE!
                    This is the last time I will warn you.
                    *walks away clearly very angered, ignoring any further conversation*


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                    RE: Reviewing Etinfall's remarks
                    « Reply #16 on: December 02, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
                    As Entinfall said in the past "We, the Vakhar, were having a meeting in the Ranger's Vale and saw this man use the creature's docile behavior to get close enough to it to cast a empathy spell. Then lure it into the Sielwood for battle. This Spotted Leopard isn't extremely useful for attacking..."  I now understand your misconception.  I ran because I saw only your harsh actions and heard only your condescending tone.  I see now that you made the assumption that I required this animal to do some sort of blood-thirsty deed when in fact, I convinced it to come with me because I enjoyed its company.  I have no need for a Leopard to do any killing.  Perhaps you should consider your actions and be more responsible in your dealings with those whom you know very little about.  I should hope others who walk in your ways will be less abrupt and try to figure out the truth before making rash assumptions.


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                      RE: To Endular Skene
                      « Reply #17 on: December 02, 2005, 02:53:00 pm »
                      *come out back into the Inn, fuming, sees Endular and reads over his shoulder*  Endular, even I was beggining to think you used him for battle, thank you for clearing that up.  I should be speakin more with my brothers it appears.


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                        RE: Reviewing Etinfall's remarks
                        « Reply #18 on: December 02, 2005, 02:56:00 pm »
                        I have recently overheard the reaction of a few of those whom I travel with.  It would seem they also misinterpret my actions, though this is only because of the deceitful note you posted.  Do you not see now how necessary it is for you to still your tongue until you know what you are saying? *breaks stick of charcoal in anger, leaving large blotch on note*


                        RE: To Endular Skene
                        « Reply #19 on: December 02, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
                        *walks by, reads and chuckles then replies*

                        Perhaps if you did not run away when we tried to ask you about it wrong conclusions would not have been reached.

                        Do try to remember that in the future.

                        *she laughs and walks off*