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Author Topic: To Endular Skene  (Read 347 times)


RE: Reviewing Etinfall's remarks
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2005, 01:26:00 am »
*After a couple of days Jacchri returns to the inn and sees the note, takes out a parchment and writes a note*
  My apologies if this got out of control from my side, but it really angers me if things like this happen. Your brother also added wood to the fire which did not help the cause.
  If I may I would like to give you some advice. In future rather enjoy the company of the leopard in the woods where he is much safer from the town people. I would not advice you taking him into town as others might see him and decide to hunt him for his pelt.
  Secondly this whole situation could have been resolved much quicker and easily if you just stood your ground on the day we confronted you and explained your situation then. It did make you look very guilty of wrong doing by just walking off without any further discussion.
  Thanks for clarifying this situation.
  Regards Jacchri Abianca


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    RE: To Endular Skene
    « Reply #21 on: December 04, 2005, 08:49:00 pm »
    To Jacchri,
      Please forgive my rude beahvior, I simply didn't want the name of my brother to be salndered and kind of let my pride get in the way. Many apologies.
    Glaedr Skeane