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Author Topic: In regards to the hunt proposed by Lewis  (Read 47 times)


In regards to the hunt proposed by Lewis
« on: December 22, 2007, 02:05:52 pm »
*tacked to the message board in the Wild Surge Inn*

Be known adventurers of this land, Lewis Rankine proposed to take people on a hunt, for a price, to kill what he called an "elusive creature". I responded to the invitation to inquire what beast the hunt was for. Lewis wouldn't divulge and scoffed at my appearance saying I hadn't enough True to pay for the outing. A female adventurer named Leisa did accompany him, along with a collection of rich merchants. I followed in the shadows, intrigued by what they were hunting. The group traveled to the Whitehorn Forest and kidnapped a young druid child. Leisa bound her and they took the child to Siverdell Grove and strapped the child to a tree. When a druid fighter appeared to rescue the child, they slew her and called the hunt a success. Leisa released the child and Lewis mentioned he only hunts the full-grown ones like he has for years. I warned him this act would have repercussions and he threatened me. What troubles this senseless act will bring remains to be seen.

~Vendar Quintas, in service to Aragen.